This is about the stupidest thing I’ve read all day [“Why kids are pushed toward transgenderism”]. I don’t know if it’s only a commentary or trying to be legitimate news, but it has no real basis.
For one, kids are very seldom ever pushed to be trans. The number of trans only looks to be going up when in reality the percentage hasn’t moved. Two reasons why it appears to be going up:
Back in 1970 the earth’s population was at 3.7 billion people. Today we are at 7.5 billion – so that massive increase is way more likely to show a larger number of trans people. But this is not the biggest reason for the increase, not at all.
The millennials appear by vision to have the largest number of trans people, though this is not true. It only has the largest number brave enough to take that step forward.
But why, you might ask – what makes them more brave then previous generations? Well, it comes down to one of mankind’s greatest inventions that every day makes millions of lives easier. We call it the Internet.
The Internet did many things for many people, but the millennial generation was the first generation to grow up with the Internet. Its biggest achievement was that it brought communities closer so no one ever feels alone and can finally look up people similar to themselves. This helps people be way more courageous.
We’re not pushed to be transgender; we are transgender. We just have what we need to understand it more – something we didn’t have years ago.
I know a lot about transgender issues and info. If you ever need to learn something trans-related, feel free to ask.