Fighting anti-male leftism

By Around the Web

(American Thinker) — Recent actions by Betsy DeVos, Trump’s secretary of education, show that the Trump administration is ready to pick up the banner of men’s rights as a legitimate civil rights issue. The feminist jihad against men started fifty years ago with the bald-faced lie that the “system” had been constructed solely by men for the benefit of men.

This was always absurd. What feminist pretended was that non-equivalence, which is to say recognizing that men and women are fundamentally different and having laws and mores accept this, is the same as oppression. The wicked silliness of this is manifest to any honest and serious mind.

Consider the inability of women in some states to enter into contracts in the 19th century. In fact, this was a protection for women denied men. Women could enter into contracts, but unlike men, women were immune from being sued for breaches. Men had to carry the burden of litigation and financial responsibility, and women were exempt from that burden.

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