WASHINGTON – Hundreds of Trump supporters rallied around National Mall Saturday to tell Democrats, the mainstream media and the world that – contrary to how they’re portrayed through leftist “propaganda” – they’re not white supremacists, and their goal is transcend political and racial division.
Tommy Guns, organizer of the Mother of All Rallies, or MOAR, told WND he organized the gathering to demand a stop to the ongoing political violence displayed in U.S. streets since Donald Trump launched his bid for the presidency in 2015.
“The political violence I’ve seen in this country over the last two years is ridiculous. It’s utterly useless. It’s not getting us anywhere,” Guns said. “I see people attacked on the streets for voicing their opinions, whether it be political, whether it be ideological.
“People can’t say anything anymore without being attacked by anyone else. Political violence is not supposed to happen in this country. That’s what happens in Iran, Russia North Korea, not here. It’s got to end.”
Guns believes the MOAR event will set a positive and peaceful example, encouraging citizens to join gatherings that transcend political division. Organizers even invited members of Black Lives Matter to join the movement for peace.
“It’s really basically about trying to set the bar for future rallies,” he said. “Mother of all rallies isn’t called the Mother of all Rallies because we have more people here than any other rally; it’s because we are hoping we birth a new era of rallies where everyone is smiling, everyone is celebrating, everyone is happy and two sides can come together and have dialogue without being violent.”
The mainstream media are branding Trump supporters as white supremacists and attempting to spread propaganda about them, Guns argued.
“At the end of the day, its media. Media have caused this,” he said. “That’s why we told CNN and the rest of the mainstream media, no free special privileges.”
Guns said he is indifferent to leftist demands that America’s Confederate statues be removed.
“I am from the North, it doesn’t have anything to do with me. I fly the American flag – I fly the red, white and blue,” he said. “I’m about unifying. Look around, look around. You don’t see protests out here calling us homophobic, white supremacists or anything else. Look at the people who are here speaking on our stage. Look at the people in our crowd. You can’t falsely label us, and we made sure of it.”
Watch a video of the MOAR event:Â
[jwplayer vyklJtnX]
MOAR attendees all told WND the left’s narrative that Trump and his supporters are unified by racism is nonsense.
“I support this wonderful diverse crowd of people that’s here celebrating the president,” said Jack Posobiec, an independent conservative reporter and author of the book “Citizens for Trump.” “I have never been a white supremacist. I am a conservative. I am a Christian. I love my country. I love my faith. Supporting the [Make America Great Again] movement doesn’t have to do with race. It has to do with Americanism.”
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed last Sunday that racial grievances had a significant influence on the 2016 presidential election. She also criticized Trump’s address at his inauguration, saying his speech spoke to the anger of white voters.
Posobiec slammed Clinton for “peddling conspiracy theories again.”
“Clinton lied the other day. She said [Trump] didn’t call for unity during the inauguration. She said it was a white supremacist speech. Go back and look what he said, Hillary, because you are fake,” Posobiec said. “He actually said, ‘We are all Americans, and the only colors we are about are red, white and blue, because whether you are white brown or black, we all bleed the red blood of patriots.'”
While Democratic leaders try to stoke racial tensions among Americans, Posobiec said, Trump’s MAGA strategy is still unifying the country.
“Isn’t that what it is all about, uniting under one flag after eight years of divisive identity politics that Barack Obama and his supporters pushed, to try to spit everyone up into all these different hyphenated Americans?” he asked. “We are not hyphenated Americans. … I’m an American American, how about that?
“That’s what being a Trump supporter is about. If its anti-anything, it’s anti-PC, its anti-division, it’s pro unity.”
Chad from Maryland told WND he attended MOAR because he loves America. He said a “misinformed” leftist assaulted him for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.
“I had a MAGA hat on, and I was at a Starbucks, and this guy took offense at it, so he punched me in the back of the head. And so I punched him back. And it made a scene,”‘ Chad explained. Â “People thought I was attacking the guy, when he really he was the one who attacked me.”
Chad continued: “It sucks because I got arrested – but the case got thrown out, so it was awesome. … That’s the kind of climate you have out there. It sucks, you have people like the guy who did that, they get a misconception about the kind or person who supports Trump – and then you kind of have to put them in their place.”
Chad blamed Hillary Clinton and the lying mainstream media for motivating uninformed people to act violently against Trump-supporting Americans.
“Antifa is scrawny anyway. The guy didn’t hurt me when he punched me. But he still did it. And it sucks because people like Hillary Clinton are kind of responsible for that, I think. [Democrats] whip people up into a frenzy,” he said. “They use the cause of anti-racism, and they twist it around so that the minute people hear that something is associate with anything that’s possibly racist, they automatically get thrown out the window. Really, at the end of the day, Democrats were the supporters of the KKK. They’ll use race however they can, I’ll say that.”
Chad said the mainstream media intentionally lie about President Trump.
“They have a vested interest in not allowing this president to succeed,” he said. “It’s good people like WND that are out here, giving the real side of it.”
WND spoke with two members of antifa: Eve from Washington, D.C., and Benim from Kensington, Maryland. They said they were at MOAR “to oppose fascism, racism, sexism, homophobia.”
WND asked the antifa members if they actually believe the Trump supporters at the rally were supporters of fascism and sexism.
Eve said, “Trump represents a lot of hateful ideologies that America has come to embody these days.”
And Benim said minorities who support Trump are “naïve or misguided.”
“They might not realize they are supporting someone that represents white supremacy,” he said. “Donald Trump has done nothing to disavow their ideology while condemning groups like anti-fascist groups.”
Benim and Eve said they are angered by how President Trump is trying to “oppress women” and by GOP efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and ban partial-birth abortions.
Another attendee, a woman from Florida named Ann, dressed in American flag attire and wore a red Trump-Pence T-shirt. She told WND that leftists regularly accuse her of racism whenever she wears her MAGA hat.
“I am actually Latin. I am from Nicaragua. I’m an immigrant, and I support Trump, with all of his platform,” Ann said. “They automatically think that you are white supremacists. The minute they find out … I am not a white person, they kind of back off, but they get triggered anyway. It doesn’t matter where you are from. The minute you say you support Trump and that you support the nationalist movement, you are done – to them you are a white supremacist.”
MOAR, Ann argued, is about celebrating Trump and “supporting our nation.”
“As a Latin community, we support Trump,” she said. “We are not anywhere near fascist, or white supremacist. We love everyone. As a matter of fact, one of the first things we said here, up on the stage, is that if you are here and you cannot shake your neighbors’ hands, then you shouldn’t be here. We love America; we love Americans.”
Thomas Crowden told WND he traveled all the way from London on a “deplorable pilgrimage” to celebrate making America great at MOAR.
“Everybody thinks everybody hates Trump, but it’s a lie,” Crowden said. “The rich people hate Trump. The working class absolutely loves Trump. He’s just a bad a–, a savage bad a–. He is going to make America Great Again, and I love him.”
Crowden continued: “I voted for Brexit to make Britain great again. And I am happy that Americans voted for Trump to make America great again. I’m here to pay homage to the Donald.”
The notion that Trump supporters are racist is being perpetuated by “vultures” who live in a “bubble,” Crowden argued.
“Please, most of my friends are black and Asian,” he said. “I’m from London, come on. Most of my friends are non-white. That’s is just lies from the left. I just see them as snowflakes melting in the sun. They live in this little echo chamber, where everybody is the same. I live in the U.K. I’m working class.
“I don’t know when being a patriot [became] racist,” he added. “Honestly, when was loving your country racist? This is just a [ploy] by the left to try to shame people into voting their way.”
Trump gained momentum during the presidential election and continues to have loyal support because of his hard stance against illegal immigration, Crowden said, adding that illegal immigration has devastated his own community in London.
“I live in areas that are affected by mass immigration and by all the refugees getting dumped in the area,” he said. “So the people who live in areas that are most affected are the people who voted for Brexit and the people who voted Trump to get our country back – to get our sovereignty back and try and get our countries back.”