Way back on July 2, 2008, Barack Obama issued a declaration that made my head spin, yet no one, and I mean no one, took notice until I wrote about it several days later.
Then it caught fire. That fire has never been quenched.
In a long campaign speech, he dropped this little bomb: “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
Over the years, I’ve wondered what became of that idea – a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the U.S. military. Lately, I’ve been getting inquiries from readers about whether we’re now seeing the realization of Obama’s concept in the streets of America – from Berkeley to Charlottesville.
Could the antifa thugs, anti-Semite leftists and Black Lives Matter racists represent what Obama had in mind? There’s little question these groups are being paid, though not necessarily with our tax dollars. Don’t be surprised, however, if we find out years from now that government transfers of wealth have actually found their way into some of these group’s coffers. But we know some of George Soros’ billions have.
We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the U.S. military, Obama said.
Could it be this monstrosity of violent chaos and disruption is what he had in mind?
True, Obama is out of power. But let’s keep in mind his new job is national community organizer in chief. He’s the counter-president. He’s the leader of the opposition to the new president. And we know about his closeness to Soros – and their shared goals.
And it started early – like the day of the inauguration.
A month later, tens of thousands of agitators trained by an Obama-tied activist group to protest Trump’s policies hit Republican lawmakers supporting those policies when they returned home for the congressional recess and held town hall meetings and other functions. Remember that?
Organizing for Action, a group founded by Obama and featured prominently on his new post-presidency website, began distributing a training manuals to anti-Trump activists that advised them to bully GOP lawmakers into backing off support for repealing Obamacare, curbing immigration from high-risk Islamic nations and building a border wall, reporter supreme Paul Sperry reported.
The manual, published with OFA partner “Indivisible,” advised protesters to go into halls quietly so as not to raise alarms, and “grab seats at the front of the room but do not all sit together.” Rather, spread out in pairs to make it seem like the whole room opposes the Republican host’s positions. “This will help reinforce the impression of broad consensus.” It also urges them to ask “hostile” questions – while keeping “a firm hold on the mic” – and loudly boo the GOP politician if he isn’t “giving you real answers.”
“Express your concern [to the event’s hosts] they are giving a platform to pro-Trump authoritarianism, racism and corruption,” it said.
The manual also advised protesters to flood “Trump-friendly” lawmakers’ Hill offices with angry phone calls and emails demanding the resignation of former top White House adviser Steve Bannon.
And here’s the key: A script advised callers to complain: “I’m honestly scared that a known racist and anti-Semite will be working just feet from the Oval Office. … It is everyone’s business if a man who promoted white supremacy is serving as an adviser to the president.”
Trump the racist – a bogus, baseless, defenseless charge that came from Obama. The rest is history, as they say.
Keep in mind, Obama’s OFA boasts more than 250 offices nationwide and more than 32,000 organizers, with another 25,000 actively under training. And that’s just Obama’s command center. I suggest the shock troops, the “Marines,” the special forces, the infantry are antifa, BLM and the leftist anti-Semites.
It’s right out of the pages of Obama’s hero (and Hillary’s) Saul Alinsky, “the father of community organizing” and the author of “Rules for Radicals,” originally dedicated to Lucifer – the ultimate radical. Michelle Obama quoted from the book when she helped launch OFA.
“Understand that I’m going to be constrained in what I do with all of you until I am again a private citizen, but that’s not so far off,” Barack Obama said last year. “You’re going to see me early next year, and we’re going to be in a position where we can start cooking up all kinds of great stuff.” (Emphasis added.) “I promise you that next year Michelle and I are going to be right there with you, and the clouds are going to start parting, and we’re going to be busy. I’ve got all kinds of thoughts and ideas about it, but this isn’t the best time to share them. Point is, I’m still fired up and ready to go, and I hope that all of you are, as well.”
So, we haven’t heard the last of Obama. We may still find out if this new “civilian national security force” is what he had in mind all the time.
Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].