(Townhall) The polls are all over the place, but Virginia’s gubernatorial race could be close—and Republican candidate Ed Gillespie could win. That’s why national Democrats are getting jittery. Case in point, this rather insane attack linking Ed Gillespie to white supremacy and neo-Nazis by the Ralph Northam campaign. As some have noted, this is not something that you push out if you’re ahead in this race. I think it’s not off the mark to suggest that something spooked the Democrats in the internal polling. The mailer issued by Northam, the Democrat, tries to tie Gillespie to the horrific Charlottesville protest in August, where neo-Nazis and other white supremacists were demonstrating to voice their opposition to the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue. One woman was killed and scores of other were injured when a car driven by a white nationalist plowed through a group of counter-protesters. Yes, the violent left wing Antifa thugs were there as well, though they didn’t kill anybody that day. At the same time, just because they fight neo-Nazis doesn’t make them the good guys; the Department of Homeland Security classified their actions as acts of domestic terrorism last year.