8 from left media accused of misconduct towards females

By Around the Web

(Breitbart) With the news that Vox Media has dismissed two employees, including a high-ranking editorial director, it is becoming increasingly obvious that throughout our elite media — the very same media that told us “binders full of women” disqualified Mitt Romney from becoming president — there is a culture that enables the systemic sexual harassment and abuse of female staffers.

After a former employee accused the company of ignoring and even tolerating sexual misconduct, Vox Media fired editorial director Lockhart Steele late last month. The timing of Vox Media’s inaction and eventual action suggests that the company had no intention of doing anything … until this employee went public.

The Hollywood Reporter reports that, on Friday, another Vox Media staffer was forced to resign. This person remains unnamed, but a now-concluded investigation into the scandal forced this person to exit the powerful media company.

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