Cokie Roberts: Press aware of sex misconduct ‘for years’

By Around the Web

(TOWNHALL) — Speaking on ABC’s “This Week,” Cokie Roberts made a startling admission: “every female in the press corps knew” to avoid being in an elevator with Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), and has apparently known about this “for years.” Conyers has been accused of multiple instances of sexual harassment and has stepped down from the House Judiciary Committee.

Despite the allegations against him, major players in the Democratic Party have defended Conyers and will not say that he should resign. Pelosi even referred to the embattled congressman as an “icon.”

Roberts was discussing the current culture on Capitol Hill with Martha Raddatz and Anna Palmer. Roberts said that while this has been the status quo for decades, she believes that things could change now that people are coming public with their experiences.

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