Feminist porn contributes to predator epidemic

By Linda Harvey

Want to reduce the sexual abuse of women and children?

Get porn out of homes, offices, studios, schools, libraries and off personal smartphones.

And also out of the mouths of obscene feminists who rush to “celebrate the vagina” but decry global violence against women. Hello?

For instance, women like Eve Ensler, the infamous author of “The Vagina Monologues,” don’t help reduce sexual violence but actually encourage a debased view of women.

With the proliferation of online porn and vulgar “slut-pride” feminism, the posture of many men toward women and children has changed, and not for the better.

Porn is available now to every middle schooler with a smartphone (and clueless parents) and to guys at the office during the workday. Lust-based aggression is the barely manageable product.

Otherwise civilized working men, exiting their cubicles after a secret porn-viewing session, start looking at their female coworkers with an eye of explicit fantasy rather than respect. It may be confined to suggestive comments; sometimes it escalates to texting photos of bare body parts. Men in more powerful positions may move to the physical and grab, push, fondle or sometimes rape.

I think this is a change from the way most men treated women in the workplace in times past. Not to say it never happened – of course it did – but it certainly seems more commonplace now.

And that’s because guys were not simmering with passion stimulated inappropriately during the workday by scenes of artificial lust.

Porn is Satan’s phony manipulation of sexuality, and every thinking person needs to do all we can to get it out of our lives.

Censorship? Why not? What would be lost? There is no redeeming social value in pornographic images of actors paid, and usually drugged, to have fake sex in front of cameras for money. Who finds any of this interesting? There are so many more positive ways to direct ones’ energy.

In marriage, how about real intimacy with your wonderful spouse?

You know, the person with whom you can express genuine, not fake passion, not in front of cameras and not for money. How great is that?

America needs to clean house, no doubt. But our culture is lining up male predators before firing squads of women whose leaders are the likes of Eve Ensler.

Ensler made us all remember that females can be predators, too. An early version of “The Vagina Monologues” featured a vignette about a woman’s memory as a 13-year-old girl who was plied with alcohol and then molested by a 24-year-old woman. In that early version (later removed), the dialogue includes the idea that, “If it was rape, it was a good rape.”

And another skit in the play has an older woman asking a 6-year-old girl to describe her vagina.

Am I the only person who thinks self-derogatory exhibitionism and proud child corruption have aided our current predator epidemic?

It is a rape culture, after all. Yet do lesbian predators not exist? I guess if it’s homosexual corruption of children or lesbian statutory rape, the author doesn’t get ostracized, but instead gets a Tony Award.

A more recent play by Ensler features teen girls. In “Emotional Creature,” the girls’ dialogue includes valuable thoughts like, “Girls want it more than boys” and “Guys don’t know what they’re doing.”

Besides lacking validity, these messages substitute the objectification of males for that of females.

It’s time for women to stop being the generators of trash themselves.

There is no redeeming social value in porn, even when featured in a raunchy play by a revered feminist. Let’s get rid of it. There will be resistance, of course. But it’s not just aging frat boys who might lobby against porn removal.

It’s certain that “LGBTQ” practitioners would go into predictable hysterics, and that’s terribly sad. Many of these folks are routine and heavy porn consumers, unable to imagine life or relationships without it. And where this type of obsession with sex takes them – and us – is into dark and dangerous territory.

In 2008, several other pro-family advocates and I attended San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair. We were in the Sin City to demonstrate in favor of man/woman marriage. While there, we attended Folsom Street, which may be the most depraved public event in America, except perhaps for the Burning Man festival.

Folsom Street is massive, with over a hundred thousand in attendance, and is all about sado-masochism and homosexual men having public sex. The “Fair” even featured exhibits where people teach sexual whipping. No one is supposed to look at “bondage and dominance” and note the probable demonic oppression of its participants.

This is where the privacy of porn eventually goes – to publicly expressed aggression and violence. Oh, these people were all about whips and chains used manageably with “consent” and only a “safe” amount of blood. It was a display of evil insanity, signaling that a now-acceptable segment of society is eager to enter the gates of hell.

We even interviewed one of the organizers, a woman who heads a sado-masochist organization. Her goal? To have her sketchy preference be considered a “sexual orientation.”

In today’s warped “social justice” climate, any policy effort to limit pornography’s hold on our country would be greeted by screaming activists claiming “discrimination” based on their “immutable characteristic” as porn users, bondage fans, etc.

Look at the popularity of “Fifty Shades of Grey.” Suburban moms are leaving husbands and kids to take weekend trips together to see the Las Vegas play, “Fifty Shades: The Parody.”

If all pornography disappeared tomorrow, no one would suffer loss. Every former user’s life would improve. Relationships would be saved. Children would suffer far less victimization.

Radical women must stop being the public-relations arm of victimizers.

We need to end the hold of porn on this country – so feminists, why don’t you take the lead?

Linda Harvey

Linda Harvey is president of Mission America and hosts a talk show on Salem affiliate WRFD in Columbus, Ohio. Read more of Linda Harvey's articles here.

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