Judge Moore is a line in the sand Yah is drawing. Hence, the lies, innuendo and posturing of all the weak accusers of the brethren out there. This whole thing has been scripted and signed off on by the Republican establishment.
Look at what has happened. Yah has “revealed” the Pharisees that need to be flushed in this exercise. McConnell, Ryan, Graham and the mouth of mouths, McCain. They are only politically motivated and have no honor and integrity. There are many more. Just like Yahushua caused such upheaval in the religious political groups of the day, so has Judge Moore and his obvious integrity. I love it, and I thank YHVH for causing this man to run for office.
Here is my prediction: McConnell will retire to a sick bed; McCain will pass away; Graham will not be re-elected; and Ryan will be deposed as speaker and possibly be beaten by another in the primary.
I was disappointed in Cal Thomas, Hannity, Tucker Carlson and most of the Fox News players who make the big bucks. At least Hannity backed down. But once again, we see who is on what side of “the line” Yah has established using His SERVANT Roy Moore.
Thank you, Joseph, for seeing through this lynching and stating the obvious. It is interesting that my wife and I are moving back to Alabama, in time to vote for Judge Moore. We didn’t plan it that way, it is just happening that way. The sovereignty of our Creator amazes me every single day.
Thank you again for speaking the truth and explaining the obvious.
Mike R.