Hillary is banking on Mueller for her 2020 run

By Larry Klayman

Bill and Hillary Clinton at President Trump's inauguration in January
Bill and Hillary Clinton at President Trump’s inauguration in January

You know me as the only lawyer ever to have had a court of law rule that a sitting president committed a crime. That ruling was made by federal judge Royce C. Lamberth, and it concerned a woman who then-President Bill Clinton had sexually harassed in the Oval Office. Her name is Kathleen Willey.

“Slick Willy,” no relation, in his usual classless and disgusting way, committed this act of sexual aggression just days after Kathleen’s husband had died. Of course, we now know that Kathleen was not the only victim of the former president.

During the Clinton administration, I also represented many other women who this degenerate had sexually harassed, or with the aid of his criminal wife, Hillary Clinton, threatened if they did not keep their mouth shut. They include Juanita Broaddrick, who was raped; Paula Jones, who was sexually assaulted; and Gennifer Flowers and Dolly Kyle Browning, who were threatened to be quiet about their affairs with Bill.

Of course, the real power behind Slick Willy and his sexually depraved ways was none other than his “lovely” wife, the Wicked Witch of the Left. Hillary assembled a so-called war room, run with the help of little George Stephanopoulos, the Clintons’ communications director and now disgracefully a host of ABC’s “Good Morning America,” as well as that vile political consultant James Carville, who called my female clients all kinds of names.

In the case of Gennifer, it was “trailer trash!” In the case of Paula Jones, Carville, with the loving approval of Stephanopoulos and Hillary herself, said Paula could be lured away from her slut lifestyle by simply dragging a dollar through a trailer park. The Clintons’ lawless and disrespectful outrages go on to this day, as the white light of sexual harassment has reached molten proportions in our society.

And why is the sexual misconduct of Bill Clinton still a matter of public discourse? This is because Hillary Clinton – that failed loser of the last presidential election, that immoral, heartless and hardened criminal – still covets winning the White House. Like the witch that she is, Hillary cannot put down her broom and simply retire to the post-political “Land of Oz” of post-witchdom.

Hillary is pinning her hopes for the presidency in 2020 on one man, someone whom the Washington, D.C., establishment calls a “man of integrity.” His name is Robert Mueller, and he is not only the former corrupt director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but also the newly minted special counsel who was appointed by Obama Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate and undoubtedly try to prosecute President Donald Trump and his associates over so called Russian collusion leading up to last year’s fall elections.

What do YOU think? Will Hillary Clinton run for president in 2020? Sound off in today’s WND poll.

Let me tell you about Mueller, as I have had my own experience with him.

First, after Sept. 11, 2001, I tried to take two clients, FBI special anti-terrorist agents, to see him.  The clients, whose names I will not divulge for fear of retaliation, warned the bureau that this terrorist tragedy was imminent. Instead, they were shown the cold shoulder by their supervisors, who were likely trying to protect the Bush family, who has close ties with the family of Osama bin Laden. Daddy Bush, the first failed Bush president, was then sitting on the board of the Carlyle Group, an investment firm that had infused into its coffers over a billion U.S. dollars of funds from the Bin Laden Saudi royalty. My clients were investigating Saudi money-terrorist laundering. Get the picture? But rather than listening to what my clients had to say as FBI special anti-terrorism agents, Mueller turned a blind eye and instead tried to drum them out of the agency and remove their security clearances so they couldn’t get jobs in the private defense and intelligence industry sectors!

Then, of course, there is the Uranium One scandal, where the Clintons and their foundation took hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes while Hillary Clinton was Obama’s secretary of state, to grease the sale of about 20 percent of the nation’s strategic uranium assets to the Russians. Mueller, then the FBI director, was charged to investigate this Clinton caper and criminal racketeering enterprise, but predictably, not again wanting the gore the ox of the political establishment that got him his job, he took a dive.

Mueller, like his corrupt buddy, former FBI Director James Comey after him – who also took a dive on the Uranium One scandal and buried an investigation of another of my clients, Dennis Montgomery, a NSA/CIA whistleblower concerning illegal mass government surveillance (see FreedomWatchUSA.org) – not only defiled the fine tradition of the FBI and obstructed justice, he is now at the center of the leftist attempt to remove President Donald Trump from office. He is in effect again doing the bidding of the political establishment. I don’t just mean the Clintons and their slimy ilk, but also the establishment Republicans – persons like Senate Majority Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, and Sens. McCain and Flake, who, despite attempted false appearances to the contrary, in reality want to see President Trump fail and be thrown out of office.

To carry out his legal hatchet job and hit on President Trump, at enormous taxpayer expense, Mueller has hired pro-Clinton, pro-Obama and Muslim prosecutors to take the Donald, his family and all who are around the president down. Just for starters, he has indicted Paul Manafort and his partner, Rick Gates. Manafort was for a time the campaign manager of then-presidential candidate Trump. But while this may superficially seem legitimate, at least for the leftist media likes of CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, the actions for which Manafort was indicted have nothing to do with President Trump.

But what is the reason for this sham indictment? It is to criminally leak information from Mueller’s grand juries to smear and harm the president. These leaks are a crime, and that is why I have filed suit against Mueller and his staff to eventually have a court order that Mueller has himself committed crimes and should be removed as special counsel. The case is styled Freedom Watch v. Sessions et al. I have also included as defendants the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility and the Inspector General, which I had asked to investigate these illegalities, but under the “leadership” of the inert if not cowardly current Attorney General Jeff Sessions, also buried their heads in the sand.

Fellow patriots, particularly during this Thanksgiving holiday weekend, when we honor the early roots of our great nation, We the People need to rise up and legally chop off the head of this establishment corrupt turkey named Robert Mueller. Join me with this noble mission at FreedomWatchUSA.org, as time is short before the Trump presidency instead is put on the chopping block of phony Mueller legal hackery and the criminal likes of Hillary effectively seize control of our body politic. In this event, the nation would surely be doomed.

God bless you and your family during this sacred and dangerous time for the country.




Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "It Takes A Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!" Read more of Larry Klayman's articles here.

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