I stand with Judge Roy Moore

By Janet Porter

Godly. Courageous. Unwavering. These are not words typically used to describe members of the United States Senate. Maybe that’s why there’s so much pushback against Judge Roy Moore, a godly, courageous and unwavering man, if ever there were one.

The Republican establishment couldn’t take him out, so now the fake news arm of the Democratic Party is at bat against the man who would rather lose his job on the Alabama Supreme Court than break one of the Ten Commandments or give up his right to display them.

But how do you attack a man of untarnished integrity?

When your target is so squeaky clean, there’s no mud to sling. Mud must be manufactured.

Here’s a glimpse at how:

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos checks in on his $250 million investment by dropping by his Washington Post, which just endorsed Judge Moore’s opponent: “Judge Roy Moore is still up in the polls? What do I pay you people for?

“I’ve got it! Let’s hop on the Weinstein wagon and accuse him of something sexual.” 

Laughter. Such an outrageous suggestion couldn’t even pass a Washington Post straight-face test.

A young reporter, wanting to impress: “Hey, I got a woman who said Moore played the guitar and read her poetry when she was 18.”

“Will she say she was younger?” 

“Not this one.” 

“Then find someone else – did he ever sit next to an underage girl at the courthouse?” 

“Yes … but she’s a self-admitted suicidal, drug-using, three-time divorcee who filed for bankruptcy three times, whose statute of limitations on her claim without a witness ran out 35 years ago.”

“What are you waiting for? Print it.”

And, on que, the gleeful Republican establishment lined up to repudiate an innocent man.

When Gideon of the Bible needed encouragement, God told him to go and listen to what the enemy was saying about him. I say the same thing to the voters of Alabama.

Not sure who to vote for? Just look at who the enemy is firing at the hardest. He’s the guy you want.

I had an opportunity to talk with my old friend, Judge Moore, at a meeting this summer in Washington. I spoke to him about HR 490, the Heartbeat Bill, to protect every unborn child whose heartbeat can be detected. He looked at me disapprovingly, not because the bill protected too many children, but because it didn’t protect them all. I explained that it was a good start, an incremental bill we could actually pass. He just gave me the father’s “you can do better” look. It just made me love him more.

When I was national director of Dr. D. James Kennedy’s Center for Reclaiming America, we brought Judge Moore in to speak at our annual conference. I ran into his beautiful wife, Kayla, and asked her, “What was it like the night before Chief Justice Moore lost his position (and retirement benefits) because he stood unwavering for the Ten Commandments?”

She told me what they did that night. Judge Moore wasn’t crying about being mistreated. He wasn’t second-guessing his stand. He led those around a piano singing praises to God and praying, with thanksgiving.

Unwavering even in the fire – that’s the kind of man I want in the United States Senate.

I stand with Judge Roy Moore. I don’t know of anyone in America whom I would trust more to defend life, liberty or property than Judge Roy Moore.

If you agree, put your faith to action and donate, pray and vote for the godly, courageous, unwavering candidate the establishment and the enemy want most to destroy: Judge Roy Moore.


Janet Porter

Janet Porter is president of Faith2Action*: turning people of faith into people of action to WIN the cultural war TOGETHER for life, liberty and the family. Porter is the architect of the pro-life Heartbeat Bill, which has been passed in 10 states. The author of six books, she hosts a daily radio program and a daily radio commentary heard in over 300 markets and at www.f2a.org. * Title and affiliation for identification purposes only. Read more of Janet Porter's articles here.

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