Twenty years ago, when Bill and Hillary Clinton were “co-presidents,” Democrats didn’t care much about sexual harassment charges, lying under oath about one of those charges, serial adultery evidence, an affair with a White House intern, sexual assault, even at least one credible rape allegation.
It was time to “move on,” said Democrat activists and those closest to the first couple. What the president of the United States did in his “personal life” was, well, beside the point.
What a difference 20 years makes, huh?
Today, Democrats are calling for some of their own political icons to resign their positions in the House and Senate because of allegations of much less significance and gravity than those faced by Bill Clinton.
Even stranger is that in 1996, his re-election year, Clinton won the women’s vote by 11 million.
Is it a generational shift?
Maybe so. And, if it is, it’s a healthy development.
Or, is it something else?
Could it be that voters overall are just more eager to accept charges of sexual misconduct – even when the allegations are 40 years old?
These were some of the questions rattling around in my brain as I eagerly watched the vote count coming in from Alabama in the U.S. Senate race between Judge Roy Moore and Doug Jones.
Let’s face it. That the race was in ever in doubt is attributable to one thing and one thing alone – weak, unsubstantiated, politically motivated allegations that go back four decades.
I don’t know about you, but I was a different person 40 years ago than I am today – a difference as stark as day and night.
Roy Moore has run for statewide office in Alabama a number of times in the last 20 years. Does it strike anyone else as strange that none of these allegations were made during that long political career? Could it be there is absolutely nothing to them – zip, zilch, nada?
Should the character and morality of any man or woman be judged on the basis of conduct that may or may not have happened 40 years ago?
I don’t think that would be a fair standard, even if the most egregious allegations against Roy Moore turned out to be 100 percent true.
While the Moore-Jones race is in the rear-view mirror now, it’s worth considering some of these questions I have raised here. Whatever the answers are or should be, the issues raised here will have an impact in the 2018 elections and the 2020 elections – which no longer look so far away.
If candidates are going to face unsubstantiated allegations of the kind that Roy Moore faced in 2017, it will represent the triumph of fake news, not to mention reckless and irresponsible allegations.
It’s not that I haven’t seen this before. I have. However, what we must recognize is that these kinds of sleazy charges are most often hurled by Democrats and accepted at face value by their allies who dominate the Big Media.
Who stole this election?
The cartel of the Big Media and the Democrats.
It’s still powerful, even though more Americans are realizing they’re not get real news from the Big Media. But when that unholy cartel can steal a big and meaningful election in Alabama, then you know we’re in for a helluva political ride over the next three years.