Will the other list of Clinton’s victims now go public?

By Doug Wead

As of this moment, there is a “Me Too” Bill and Hillary Clinton list of women. It is very possible that some of the names are kept under lock and key at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas. I am not talking about the women of the 1990s – Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky. In fact, this list is comprised of women of the 1980s.

The only one we have heard about is Juanita Broaddrick, who claimed that Bill Clinton had raped her.

This list has never been made public. But the facts surrounding the list are part of the public record and have been talked about under oath.

See Wead’s video discussing Clinton ‘Me Too” list:

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Here’s the story. In 1984, after the re-election of Ronald Reagan, Gov. Bill Clinton began considering a run for president in the 1988 cycle.

His chief of staff, Betsey Wright, and his wife, Hillary Clinton, began compiling a list of names of women who might have had sexual encounters with Bill Clinton.

According to one account – reported in “Game of Thorns” – state troopers, who testified under oath, said that there were hundreds of women procured for Bill Clinton. The sex was both consensual and non-consensual.

According to published accounts, women on this list were brought into the Rose Law Firm, one by one. They were confronted by a team of attorneys and were apparently told to immediately report anyone trying to get information from them.

According to one published account, Hillary Clinton was actually present at one of these meetings.

A woman would be told that Rose was the most powerful law firm in Arkansas and that they would “help” them if anyone inquired about their relationship with Bill Clinton. The message couldn’t have been clearer.

In 1987, Democratic front-runner Gary Hart was eliminated from presidential race because of his extramarital affairs.

Eventually, the Bill Clinton list was so long and so damning, that Bill Clinton withdrew from consideration for running for president in 1988. He publicly said he wanted to spend time with his family. “Politicians are people, too.”

Four years later Bill Clinton finally ran for president.

That old, 1987 list is now a ticking time bomb with the names of women who have never felt safe to come forward. They have never gone public.

And no wonder. The women who surfaced in the 1990s were subjected to harassment, ridicule and IRS audits; the windows were blown out of their cars with shotguns; their pets went missing; they were followed; the Clinton campaign reportedly hired private detectives to destroy their reputations; and many were fired from their jobs.

In the wake of recent scandals involving abuse of women, many public figures are now saying that they should have come forward to defend the victims of Bill Clinton in the 1990s.

Well, now they have a second chance.

They can assure these women of the 1980s that they will be respected and protected from the power of the Clinton machine.

The Rose Law Firm can assure these women that they will not be targeted with lawsuits.

And all of us can call forth the women who were abused by Bill and Hillary in the 1980s and promise them that things have changed, that their stories will now be heard and respected, that they will not be victimized by the media, powerful politicians and by a corrupted U.S. government.

How Bill Clinton’s inner circle wielded vast power to discredit and destroy his former objects of desire: “Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine” — just 99 cents

Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author, historian and former adviser to two American presidents. He has served as a senior adviser to the Rand Paul Campaign. Read more of Doug Wead's articles here.

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