Among many reports, the big news this week coming out of the “Capital of Corruption” is that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was interviewed under oath by the rabid pro-Clinton-Obama and anti-Trump prosecutors of Special Counsel Robert Mueller! The reason for this: Sessions is a target or at least a subject of Mueller’s criminal probe into alleged Trump collusion with Russia as well as the attorney general’s role in the firing of disgraced former FBI Director James Comey.
First, with regard to the Russian collusion investigation, is Sessions’ stupid error of judgment, during his confirmation hearings for the post of attorney general, when he did not testify fully and truthfully about his meetings with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in his Senate office during the height of the 2016 presidential campaign. The fact the attorney general had contact, in the ordinary course of his Senate duties, with the premier representative of the Kremlin in the United States, a world power, is not a crime and in fact furthers international relations.
That this matter was not disclosed to the likes of now-disgraced and former Sen. Al Franken, who obnoxiously asked about Sessions’ contact with the Russians during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearing, is what has given ammunition to the rabid and crazed left-wing media and their Democratic enablers in Congress to allege that, at a minimum, Sessions committed perjury. Mueller and his hack prosecutors have obviously latched onto these leftist allegations to question the attorney general under oath.
Second, Sessions was also likely interrogated about his role in the firing of Comey by President Trump. Again, having stupidly recused himself from overseeing any investigation of Russian collusion and left it to the compromised and Obama holdover Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to then appoint Mueller, Sessions (given this ill-advised recusal), nevertheless was foolhardy to weigh in on Comey’s termination as FBI director. In this instance, one cannot have one’s “politically correct cake and eat it too.”
Of course, and despite this, there was nothing wrong, as even liberal Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz has argued convincingly on Fox News and elsewhere over the last year since Comey’s firing, with President Trump having sent this corrupt government official packing. As the chief law enforcement officer of the land and as the head of the executive branch, of which the U.S. Department of Justice and its sub-agency the FBI are an integral part, the president had an absolute constitutional right to remove Comey from his job.
But of course, this is not how it works in the politically and legally corrupt world we live in today, and that is why this weak attorney general and his leftist stooge deputy attorney general have gotten the nation into the “fine mess” we now have to endure, as the world, much less Rome, is on the verge of burning in nuclear hell thanks to the threats from North Korea and Iran, to name just a couple of our vicious adversaries bent on our destruction.
Couple all of this with the obvious fact that Sessions was likely wiretapped by Comey and his FBI, as well as the Obama-Clinton Deep State intelligence agencies, then run by the criminally minded and Trump-hating CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper – two dishonest political hacks of the highest magnitude – and there you have it. This wiretapping we now know was triggered by the now-infamous Fusion GPS phony Russian dossier, paid for by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic Party.
Using the fake pretext that Trump, while a businessman, was engaged in potentially treasonous and degenerate sexual acts during a prior visit to Moscow before his presidential campaign, the Fusion GPS dossier was used by Comey’s FBI to have the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court rubber-stamp a warrant to wiretap Trump Tower, during the time Sessions was in contact with presidential candidate Trump as one of the future president’s top advisers and supporters.
I am therefore certain that the Obama-Clinton Deep State, and of course its lackey, Robert Mueller, have copies of recorded Sessions’ telephone conversations with the president, his family and other associates, such as former campaign adviser and later National Security Adviser Mike Flynn. During these conversations, contact with Vladmir Putin and other Russian officials was likely discussed. Thus, while benign in all likelihood, Sessions is obviously worried that something he said and now recorded through the wiretaps could incriminate him in alleged crimes, however “trumped up” by Mueller, pun intended.
All of this explains, without even a reasonable doubt, why the attorney general has buried his head in the sand, not appointed a special counsel to investigate and prosecute Hillary and Bill Clintons’ felonious crimes and has failed to do his job and truly oversee his own department, which includes the FBI. He is concerned that if he pushes on and orders meaningful law enforcement against the Obama-Clinton Deep State and its surrogates in the Mueller Office of the Special Counsel, he will be subject to their blowback.
In this context, fellow patriots and readers of this column each week, do not be fooled by those who are now applauding Attorney General Sessions for allegedly ordering investigations of the Clintons over the Fusion GPS and Uranium One scandals. Sessions was simply relieving the pressure some conservative congressmen and yours truly were putting on him to resign his post if he would not finally do his job.
Indeed, over my 30 plus years as the People’s Special Counsel, first at Judicial Watch and now at Freedom Watch, both of which I founded, I have seen it all. Left to my once-proud alma mater, the U.S. Department of Justice, and Congress, in Clinton scandals ranging from Monica Lewinsky, to China-gate, to File-gate, to Vince Foster-gate, to Travel-gate, to IRS-gate and a host of over 50 others, these professed “agencies of We the People” have never brought these hardened criminals to justice. In fact, for the same reason Sessions has taken an exit stage left – again, pun intended – these so-called servants of the citizenry and the nation do not want to stick their necks out for fear that they will be retaliated against in ways President Trump and his family and associates now know full well.
And, when all is said and done, this is why our compromised Attorney General Jeff Beauregard Sessions should now return to the genteel ways of the South and retire now. But on his way out, I would recommend that he appoint me as special counsel since I will – with this considerable law enforcement power at my disposal – put the Clintons in prison where they finally belong, come hell or high water! The Clintons will thus be the poster children for remedying our current dual system of justice!
Go to to sign our petition to have me appointed special counsel and support our collective cause!