Why I should be appointed special counsel

By Larry Klayman

The time has finally come for action and not words!

Are you tired of seeing politicians and pundits on Fox News and elsewhere talk about all of the crimes that Special Counsel Robert Mueller, former FBI Director James Comey, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama and his minions that previously headed the intelligence agencies – such as former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper – committed against our republic and most recently President Trump, Gen. Mike Flynn, and other Trump presidential campaign and transition officials?

Are you tired of seeing timid Attorney General Jeff Sessions bury his head in the sand like an ostrich to these crimes because he himself is being falsely investigated by Mueller and his leftist comrade prosecutors for alleged Russian collusion and obstruction of justice in the firing of Comey? To save his own skin, he is too afraid to act?

Are you tired of Republican politicians using these scandals by Mueller, Comey and the Clintons and Obama crowd to pump their chests and instead use the publicity they generate to raise lots of campaign contributions and get re-elected, but never actually seek justice?

Patriots and friends, I have been fighting corruption in Washington, D.C., for about 25 years ever since I conceived of, founded and ran Judicial Watch, and now Freedom Watch, and it’s time that – excuse the French – that we all cut through all the “crap” that we are fed by some on the cable networks, print media, internet and elsewhere that justice will finally be done. This pie-in-the-sky blustering is meant only to boost viewership and ratings, but it’s not geared to reality unless we collectively do something meaningful and do it real fast!

Yes, I am the only lawyer ever to have a court rule that a sitting president committed a crime. Yes, I am the only lawyer ever to have enjoined the intelligence agencies from illegal and unconstitutional surveillance. And yes, along with my proud client, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, I killed Obama’s executive order granting amnesty to more than 5 million illegal, and many of whom are criminal, aliens.

But these accomplishments are not enough! The republic and our freedom hangs in the balance as long as the Clinton and Obama deep state – represented and aided by the corrupt Robert Mueller – is able to continue to wage a jihad on President Trump and his administration, all with the aim to bring it down and destroy it so that a socialist, communist, radical leftist, feminist and atheist country will take the place of the one conceived of at Philadelphia on July 4, 1776.

The only man who has the courage, fearlessness and determination to root out these vermin in our rat-infested “capital of corruption,” is me, I am sorry but also proud to say.

What good are documents, when nothing ever comes of it? I can and will get documents that will be used as evidence through grand-jury subpoenas once I am named special counsel.

For these reasons, I must be appointed special counsel. In this way, I will, in effect, be your attorney general and have the full powers of law enforcement to investigate, indict and seek convictions of Mueller, Comey, the Clintons, Obama and persons like Brennan and Clapper.

Then I can finally put these criminals behind bars, and by so doing, save the presidency of Donald Trump.

President Trump is our last hope for a president who will not turn the nation into a socialist hellhole. If you think the Clintons and Obamas were bad, the next Democrat or other president will be much worse. And even Bernie Sanders will look “good in retrospect,” that sorry and pathetic creature who took his honeymoon in his communist “Mecca” known as Moscow.

Just in the last days, Robert Mueller has issued more phony and illegal indictments to bring down President Trump. Just for starters, he indicted Russians on ridiculous charges that their use of Facebook and the internet to influence our 2016 elections was criminal. Mueller will never be able to seek justice against these defendants, as they live in Russia and cannot be extradited. These indictments were only meant to smear President Trump and his family and associates, by implication that somehow they condoned or furthered this.

Then there is a new superseding indictment against Paul Manafort and an imminent plea agreement with his partner, Rick Gates. This superseding indictment and the imminent Gates plea agreement have nothing to do with alleged Trumpian-Russian collusion and far exceed the mandate given to Mueller by Sessions’ Justice Department. These lawless actions by Mueller and his conflicted leftist staff are designed to squeeze Manafort and Gates to lie under oath so they can obtain fraudulent evidence to indict or impeach President Trump and harm those around him. The same improper strategy was used in coercing Gen. Mike Flynn to agree to a plea deal, which was based on the false pretense that the general had lied to the FBI.

Mueller is out to bring down the Trump presidency by whatever considerable means are available to him, whether they’re legal or not. If we do not stop Mueller in his tracks now, all that the U.S. has achieved in its relatively short history since the Declaration of Independence was signed will be lost forever!

And that is why I’m not interested in grandstanding on Fox News or other media. I need to be in the trenches and simply get the job done by removing Mueller and prosecuting, once and for all, the Clintons and Obamas of this world.

Time is short. If we do not take Mueller and the Clinton-Obama deep state down now (which is financed by the socialist, atheist and self-hating Nazi collaborator Jew George Soros), the Trump presidency will be destroyed. Trump will be indicted, impeached or both, in short order.

I pray for God’s and your help in allowing me to accomplish our mission, which we dedicate, like the great Americans who preceded us – George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin – to pledge our honor and risk our lives to create and preserve freedom and liberty as one nation under God.

Currently, there are more than 17,000 signatures, most with comments, by concerned Americans who have signed the petition on Freedom Watch’s website to have me named special counsel. If this is to happen, I need at least 100,000 names, as President Trump must be persuaded by We the People to be bold and put someone in as special counsel who will actually get the job done, and not just go through self-aggrandizing motions.

For this reason, please go to FreedomWatchUSA.org and sign the petition to name me special counsel, before it is too late and the nation sinks fatally into an abyss of Mueller, Clinton and Obama corruption and our great president is removed from office.

Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "It Takes A Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!" Read more of Larry Klayman's articles here.

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