Blueprint for the new conservatives

By Around the Web

(Conservative Review) — “[Moses] spoke to the congregation saying, ‘Please get away from the tents of these wicked men, and do not touch anything of theirs, lest you perish because of all their sins.’” ~Numbers 16:26

This Bible verse speaks to the endangered species of conservatives in Congress just as much as it did to the Israelites over three thousand years ago. It is apparent not only that conservatives have no hope for good policy outcomes if they continue to caucus with the Republican Party, but also that they will also risk losing their own seats because of an agenda that they oppose anyway. The time for declaring independence is now.

Most of conservative media has already moved on from the spectacular political adultery of last week’s budget betrayal, built on top of an entire year of endless betrayals from GOP leaders. They are all focused on responding to the gun control agenda espoused at the “March for Life.” But what purpose does it serve to fight the Left when we don’t have a Right that is providing an alternative vision on guns or any other issue? The spending betrayal bill included gun provisions that violate every tenet of what was once a universal GOP principle.

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