Demons on overtime

By WND Staff

Hi, Joseph. Thanks for reminding us of the increase in demonic activity. Occult practices are leading many, particularly those with psychological problems, to do horrific acts of violence. Shootings at schools, random bombings, sex slavery, drug addictions, political corruption, child molestations, terrorists killing Christians, warfare slaughter of civilians, etc. are at unprecedented levels.

You are right about Christians lacking the faith and prayers necessary to obtain the intervention of the Holy Spirit, which accomplishes exorcism. Most do not know the contextual origin of “Oh ye of little faith. …”

Increase in demonic activity is one of the many worldwide symptoms of the “end times.” Soon this demonic power will overwhelm the world and cause God to send Jesus to retrieve/rapture all Christians, which will start God’s Tribulations and Judgments upon ungodly nations and peoples. Our window of opportunity to spread the Gospel is closing.



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