The First Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
When the amendments to Constitution were set forth and codified, the word “Abridged” meant: “deprive, to reduce in scope, to diminish.” Yet complicit with Congress, that is exactly what the so-called “press” is committed to doing to you and me.
The very first newspaper published in America was the “Publick Occurences, Both Foreign and Domestick,” in Boston, Massachusetts, Sept. 25, 1690. As was noted many times from those humble beginnings: “In early America, the colonists’ thirst for news from Europe and their growing urge for free speech helped spark an unrelenting demand for [newspapers].”
Thus the origin of this first “media” was noble, and its intent was to inform. At the time of the writing of our Constitution, our Founding Father understood the necessity for the press not to be “abridged” in any way or else the people dependent upon same would be deprived of the truth and would instead be fed a diet of government-invented political propaganda. Yet that is exactly what the press has devolved into.
The American “press” now mirrors perfectly Vladimir Lenin’s institutional construct in which media and political hacks masquerade as truthful articulators of news. In reality they are the modern-day version of the Central Committee Secretariat of the Communist Party.
The press is not about truth and factual reporting; it is about thinly veiled totalitarianism in which the media are the cultural-Marxist gargoyles tasked with the dissemination of designed narrative emanating from the gates of hell, which are the portal to Congress.
Long before Dan Rather was exposed for knowingly presenting false documents about George W. Bush to the public, CNN admitted to knowingly feeding the American public false information from its Iraq bureau under the leadership of Eason Jordan. The reason, as Jordan himself applauded, was that lying to the American public was the only way CNN could keep a news bureau in Iraq. Jordan and CNN lied daily to the American public for 10 years.
Jordan intentionally misled the American public for the purpose of creating a false narrative about the American military by claiming U.S. soldiers were killing journalists in Iraq. Though he would claim he “misspoke” and resign as CNN’s chief news executive, the damage had already been done.
Jordan’s lies directly contributed to the negative congressional narrative and the anti-war rhetoric. His lies led to congressional resolutions and Pentagon interventions that cost American military lives by sabotaging the military effort.
Jordan’s “punishment” was to become CEO of Oryx Strategies, a New York-based strategic planning and communications company he founded. Are we to believe that Oryx is not just another agenda-driven disinformation bureau?
Those my age remember well the “CBS Evening News” with Walter Cronkite et al. broadcasting news about the Vietnam War. The real truth was that Cronkite and those like him were parroting a narrative intended to undermine the war and to slander our military as murderers and rapists.
The press under Obama called Muslim terrorist attacks “workplace violence.” Consider the number of times ABC and NBC news outlets have had their reporting exposed as unmitigated lies. The New York Times holds a long and storied position as the poster child for “fake news” and agenda-driven misinformation and distortion of reality.
The press does not report that a known psychologically disturbed young man used a gun to kill his classmates; they report that a gun brutally killed school students. The press doesn’t report that a woman lost control of the vehicle she was driving and crashed through a store window, injuring shoppers; the press reports that an SUV goes out of control, injures shoppers and destroys the building.
During World War II, the press, at the behest of then President Roosevelt, himself, knowingly misled the American public pursuant to the atrocities the Jews were suffering in Nazi Germany under Hitler. (See: “Media Lies About The 4 Evil Black Torturers,” Mychal Massie, Jan. 9, 2017.)
“The press is the called fourth estate in the U.S. largely because it observes the political process. They do this to make sure the participants do not exploit the democratic system. They play a crucial role in the outcome of political issues and candidates. This is also why the media is often called the ‘fourth branch’ of government instead of the ‘fourth estate.’ It can be a controversial term depending on the thoughts of those using it.” (See: “Open School of Journalism; Fourth Estate”)
Therein lies what the press has devolved into. I submit that the express purpose of the press is not to effect outcomes but to report truthfully and factually. The idea that it is the job of the press to “play a crucial role in the outcome of political issues” is a bastardization of what our Founding Fathers intended.