Mueller has Trump & Co. pinned down!

By Around the Web

(AlterNet) — The rich specificity of the emerging Trump-Russia narrative, found in the indictments of special prosecutor Robert Mueller, is now smothering the president’s defenses, overwhelming his counterattacks and depriving him of options and friends. No wonder Trump is in a terrible mood.

The details of the furtive machinations of the Trump entourage and the coterie of Vladimir Putin, from Trump Tower to the Seychelles Islands, brings to life the story of how these two power cliques came together to do business during and after the 2016 presidential election.

Some say that reporting and dwelling on such facts constitute the “demonization” of Russia and the Russians. It is true that the actions we know of—thanks to skillful leaking of Mueller’s team and solid reporting by the New York Times and the Washington Post—do not necessarily reveal criminality. But the emerging story is the very definition of collusion, and in multiple dimensions.

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