Not Jesus’ burial shroud

By WND Staff

In a recent article in WND, there were nine reasons given the shroud of Turin was indeed Jesus’ burial shroud.

In Isaiah 52:14-15, a description is given: “For many the Servant of God was an object of horror; many were astonished at Him. His face and His whole appearance were marred more than any man’s and his form beyond that of the sons of men – but just as many were astonished at Him.” I don’t know if you have ever seen the face of a man who has been horribly beaten, let alone with his beard ripped out. The face is swollen and is not recognizable. The Scripture is saying that Jesus was beaten to the point of not appearing human.

The image on the shroud of Turin is of a man with perfectly normal appearance. It may be that of a man who had been crucified, but it is not Jesus. I prefer to believe the Scripture is truth.

Enid Gill

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