Surprise! Susan Rice’s son now leads Republicans

By WND Staff

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice
Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice

The son of Barack Obama’s “Typhoid Mary,” inspired by the tea party, now is leading a Republican student organization.

Fox News reported John David Rice-Cameron, the son of onetime Obama administration official Susan Rice, now is leading a GOP student association and helped organize a recent “Make Stanford Great Again” event.

“My mother and I have a great relationship, and my mother believes strongly in the free and respectful exchange of ideas,” he told Fox News. “We disagree on most of the standard Republican/Democrat disagreements. However, we agree that America is the greatest nation the world has ever seen, and thus, we believe that America has an important role to play as a force for liberty and justice on the world stage.”

His father is Ian Cameron, a former executive at ABC.

In his sophomore year, Rice-Cameron is president of the College Republicans on campus and the activism director for the California College Republicans.

His mother was integral to several of the scandals of the Obama administration and was given the “Typhoid” moniker by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

During the Obama administration, Cotton said, every time something went wrong, Rice “seemed to turn up in the middle of it, whether it was these allegations of improper unmasking and potential improper surveillance, whether it was Benghazi, or many of the other fiascos of the Obama administration.”

“Unmasking” is the identification of Americans inadvertently caught up in surveillance of foreigners.

The Fox News report said the 20-year-old Rice-Cameron “avidly supports President Trump.”

“Rice-Cameron hosted controversial expert on radical Islam Robert Spencer, pushed for a professor with ties to Antifa to resign, pressured the school to reverse its decision on banning American flags on their club T-shirts, and Tuesday the group hosted Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens for a ‘Make Stanford Great Again!’ event,” Fox reported.

He reported listening to conservatives on the airwaves.

“This worldview and these principles compel me to promote conservative ideas at Stanford, and beyond,” the son said. “I’m driven by a fundamental sense of urgency over the fact that Americans are slowly losing their liberty, and I believe that liberty is being valued less and less. I want to turn the tide, and college campuses are crucial to doing so.”

Fox News described his mother as “one of the Obama administration’s most unpopular officials among conservatives and Republicans because of her attempt, as U.N. ambassador, to blame the 2012 terrorist attack on two American facilities in Benghazi, Libya on an offensive YouTube video.”

The Daily Caller reported she was the one who issued a stand down order to national security council officials developing aggressive options to respond to Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

What she actually did, though, probably won’t be public for some time.

That’s because key evidence on whether the Obama administration spied on the Trump team may be kept under lock and key for five years, at former President Obama’s presidential library.

The government-watchdog group Judicial Watch confirmed the NSC had denied its Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, request for documents related to Rice’s alleged unmasking of the “identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team.”

The NSC said the documents have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library, while pointedly adding “you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.”

The Washington Post noted she was given a full four Pinocchios for her claims about chemical weapons being removed from Syria.

She had said, “We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile.”

WND reported last year her long history of lying to cover for Obama.

Rice served as the ambassador to the United Nations during Obama’s first term. It was in this capacity that she misled the public about the 2012 attacks on the American consulate in Benghazi, a Muslim terror attack on Americans that she attributed to an obscure online video.

Rice was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship and in 1990 earned a doctoral degree from Oxford University in England. In her dissertation, she portrayed Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe as a “pragmatic, intelligent, sensible, gentle, balanced man” in possession of much “patience and restraint.” Mugabe was a genocidal dictator guilty of unspeakable atrocities, yet the dissertation was honored as the U.K.’s most distinguished in international relations.

Four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens and two U.S. Navy SEALs, lost their lives in the Benghazi attack, which Rice blamed on “a hateful and offensive video that was widely disseminated throughout the Arab and Muslim world.” Five days later, she went on five Sunday TV news programs and falsely claimed the attack was a “spontaneous reaction” to the “hateful and offensive video.”

She made no mention of al-Qaida or other organized terrorist groups taking part in the attack on the consulate, likely to cover up the fact that arms were being run from Libya to Syria, where the Obama administration was secretly trying to overthrow the regime of President Bashar Assad.

She also embraced the 2014 deal in which President Obama freed five senior Taliban commanders and high-value terrorists from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for U.S. Army soldier Bowe Bergdahl, who deserted in 2009.

In 1998 President Clinton “wheeled Rice out to lie to television viewers about inadequate security provided at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania,” Matthew Vadum noted in a FrontPage magazine article. The U.S. ambassador to Kenya, Prudence Bushnell, had reportedly begged then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright for extra security, which was never provided. After the bombings, Rice showed up on PBS to speak for the Clinton administration. She claimed the administration had “maintain[ed] a high degree of security at all of our embassies at all times” and that there was “no telephone warning or call of any sort like that, that might have alerted either embassy just prior to the blast.”

In 1996, Rice helped to persuade President Clinton to reject Sudan’s offer to deliver Osama bin Laden to the U.S.


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