I received a call one evening last week from a young black woman in her mid-20s. She was so distraught with guilt that she wanted to commit suicide, so her family had her call me. After her crying subsided, she said throughout her college career, starting at age 19, she had at least three abortions. Doctors and even people at her church convinced her it was “her body, her choice.” Today she’s successful in her career and owns a home, but she’s empty inside – more empty than before entering school.
Women who commit abortions suffer greatly as a result of it. It’s not just men and children who are hurt by abortions.
I told this woman: Do not judge yourself. The moment you recognized you were wrong, God was done with it; He’s forgiven you. You were wrong to commit the abortion – but you’re also wrong to judge yourself, to play god. God doesn’t make you feel guilty. Satan makes you feel guilty, so he can keep you in a state of judgment, away from consciousness.
I urged the woman to do my Silent Prayer to calm down and return to the present with God, away from worry and distress, and not be controlled by the suicidal thoughts Satan fed her.
After recounting this story on my show, two other women called in with their stories. One was in tears, decades after helping a 17-year-old woman get an abortion. Another had an abortion herself. In counseling people over 28 years, I’ve heard these stories over and over.
We need to get rid of the deceptive slogans from the children of the lie who say it’s “my body, my choice.” It’s not the woman’s body, and it’s not her choice. It is a human being, the creation of God inside her body, which itself is not her own, but is the temple of God. So many have been deceived by the lie. Eventually after killing the unborn child in the womb, consciousness catches up with them. They fall into depression and darkness and lead miserable lives, trying to escape in all sorts of ways.
Radical feminists tell women to “shout your abortion.” Filthy “comedian” Michelle Wolf put on a performance to say, “God bless abortions.” These are miserable people.
On my show I spoke with a young man whose girlfriend had four abortions He did not want his children killed, but had no say in the matter. Unfortunately, men are so weak and immoral that they continue to sleep with the women who do this to them! Weak men look for “love” from women instead of loving what’s right, taking responsibility for making the baby, and stopping their sex outside marriage.
Due to the absence of real men and real truth in the black community, most have been led in a hypnotic trance to follow all kinds of evil offered by the Democratic Party, which brings about their own destruction.
The children of Satan have blacks focused on the wrong things. Have you noticed that black activists today do not protest anything real? They spend their time talking about “racism,” which is a total illusion!
Black radicals rioted last week in Oakland, California, over the white-on-black murder of 18-year-old Nia Wilson on a BART train platform. Feminist actress Anne Hathaway wrote the hashtags: #BlackLivesMatter and #SayHerName. These people don’t care about the dead young woman – they are using her death to go after white people, to keep blacks angry and blind.
Last week Rep. Maxine Waters told First AME Church in Los Angeles (a black church) that she was sent by God to go after President Trump. She didn’t call out the destruction in the black community. She reminded blacks about slavery, which none of them ever experienced. The phony churchgoers ate up her lies. “Auntie Maxine” supports abortion, out-of-wedlock births, and illegal immigration – which truly separate children from their parents, especially in the black and Hispanic communities she pretends to care about.
Meanwhile, whites – especially white men – refuse to correct blacks and liberal women. White men have grown weaker today than I have ever seen. They’ve checked out of their leadership role in the homes, in churches and in the fight against abortion. They stepped aside for feminist-lite women to lead the pro-life battle. I heard a panel of pro-life women celebrating that white men no longer lead them. They implied that under white male leadership their cause was once vulnerable to accusations of racism and misogyny – as if they agreed with those phony criticisms!
White men must come out of hiding if they want to save their country from destruction. Whites often tell me they can’t say what I say because they’re not black. That’s a lie – they can and should tell the truth, which has no color and is not male or female. Truth is the Spirit of God. So let go of false guilt and fear from Satan, and return to power and truth from God.
Watch Jesse Lee Peterson’s segment on abortion and story of the suicidal woman:
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