You have been called a “Nazi.” I have been called a “Nazi.” Either directly or in general, because we are conservatives. Sometimes, our friends on the left even call each other “Nazi” as they break into occasional struggles amongst themselves. The president of the United States has been called “literally Hitler” so many times by raging leftists that it has become unintentionally amusing. This goes for every other slur hurled by liberals, too. They are so over-the-top in launching accusations of the most shocking names they can think up that the words lose all meaning. But this is all liberals have. Slurs and hyperbole.
The left has no accomplishments to show.
This is why French President Emmanuel Macron recently had no alternative but to attack President Trump and imply patriotic French, Americans and other good people of Western nations are reflecting the evil days of the 1930s. In other words, he called those who disagree with his disastrous policies “Nazis.” Like Barack Obama, who used solemn occasions to insult and attack his own citizens he was supposed to be leading, President Macron used the opportunity of the solemn occasion of the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1 to call his own citizens “Nazis” who disagree with his globalist policies.
Liberal media love to tell everyone how “controversial” or “unpopular” Donald Trump is (Reality: President Trump’s approval rating is hovering around 50 percent, consistently 3-5 points higher than Obama on the same day of his presidency.) Europe’s globalist leaders – Macron, Merkel, May and others, showered with adoring praise by American and European major media – have dismal approval ratings in the 20s.
The left has made great cities unlivable. Liberals have bankrupted entire states. European communities have descended into chaos and crime under the leadership of these condescending “elites” who insist they know better what is best for everyone than the people who have to live with the results of their disastrous policies.
As Western civilization, our unique cultures and our physical and financial infrastructures crumble under the avalanche of immigration from Third World countries across our open borders, every multicultural utopian promise of liberal globalists has been shown to be a lie.
In discussions about politics or specific policy, Western liberals have no successes to which they can point. No cities, no states and no programs.
To be certain, there are hundreds of examples of places where the left has had every liberal dream come true. Chicago, Detroit, New York City, San Francisco, the entire state of California, the entire nations of Venezuela and Cuba. All are dystopian nightmares driving their citizens to flee. The common denominator in all these places is the disappearance of the middle class, leaving only the very wealthy and a vast army of poor who subsist on government handouts.
The left has uncountable government programs, promised to solve some problem or another, that have been fantastically expensive catastrophes. Government student loans have resulted in skyrocketing education costs, a badly diminished value to college education and crushing levels of debt for millions of Americans, much of which can never be repaid. Welfare programs sold as a helping hand to those in a tough spot in life have turned out to guarantee generational poverty and encourage and reward the destruction of the family unit.
Every policy, program and effort of liberals serves the common goal of tearing down and destroying the institutions and traditions of our cultures. Predictably, this destruction has not resulted in improvements to our communities and nations. When honest people object to the continued destruction and vote to stop the liberal madness, the left cannot respond by pointing to their successes.
The only thing that remains for them is vile name-calling.