The Democrat Party is evil. They are worse today than ever before – worse than during slavery, Jim Crow, lynch mobs, or the heyday of the KKK.
Most people don’t realize we are in a spiritual battle of right versus wrong, good versus evil. There are people of all cultures, male and female, on the side of good. And there are men and women of all races, all cultures, on the side of evil.
I’ve written about Oprah Winfrey before. Like most people, she’s doing the best she can. But she is on the side of evil – she is a deceitful, weak, wicked person.
Oprah gave a supposedly “rousing” speech in support of far-left socialist Stacey Abrams, a black female Democrat hoping to defeat Secretary of State Brian Kemp, R.-Georgia, in the race for governor of Georgia. However, Oprah’s speech was empty of substance and heavy on deception.
One of the biggest lies pushed on blacks by Democrats is the notion of “voter suppression” – the phony idea that voter ID laws are too burdensome to blacks. Democrats have so corrupted the system with at least 22 million illegal aliens, many millions of socialist-minded immigrants and refugees, deluded masses of indoctrinated young people corrupted by leftist “education,” easy ways to vote illegally and undetected, opportunity skew results and fake news from the activist liberal media.
Democrats are known for busing blacks to the polls. Michelle Obama encouraged them to reward themselves with fried chicken afterwards. They are against any attempt to preserve voter integrity and combat the rampant voter fraud. You’ll notice they always try to push for “more” people voting – no matter how ignorant or brainwashed. Yet the same people want less speech – they shut down free speech, and in particular true speech. They only want their side heard, lest the people hear the truth and wake up to reality.
The rise of a good man in President Trump has shaken Democrats’ hold on millions of blacks, Hispanics and young people. Because Donald Trump tells the truth with no fear – and does not back down – the people have an opportunity to see where he’s coming from and contrast it with the evil coming out of his opponents. For generations, blacks in their fallen state believed the lies of “racism” that liberals fed them. President Trump has helped many people see through the illusion of “racism” – they can see he’s a genuine leader with America’s best interests at heart.
As thousands of illegal aliens, who don’t have our values, continue their efforts to invade our country, President Trump stands as the sole voice for sanity. The liberal media endlessly campaign in favor of entitled foreigners while they demonize Americans who oppose the madness. Blacks and others have watched this in horror, and changed their mind about voting for Democrats. Blacks have been forced out of their communities by Hispanic immigrants and illegals, and Democrats have done nothing to help.
Trump called for an end to the unjust “birthright citizenship” policy, a perversion of the 14th Amendment and a scam on black descendants of American slaves. Democrats and RINO Republicans (including Paul Ryan) have allowed illegal aliens and greedy visitors to come here to drop their “anchor babies” in our country. In doing this, they create new Democratic or socialist voters out of selfish foreigners with no allegiance to America, morality or freedom.
Enter Oprah Winfrey: She gives irrelevant history lessons about her grandmother, voting rights and lynchings to tickle the egos of blacks, women and liberals. But as we saw with the attack on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the #MeToo movement, and the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots – the Democrats and media support lynch mobs. They don’t believe in a man being “innocent unless proven guilty.” They hate white people. They hate Christians. They hate men and real families. They hate America. Oprah and her ilk support abortion, same-sex marriage, the radical transgender and radical feminist agendas.
The Democratic Party is outright anti-God, but most blacks who claim to be Christians support godlessness. Their excuse is this phony idea of “racism” which they use to slander the Republican Party and President Trump.
It’s time for more whites to begin speaking up without fear, to love black people enough to tell them the truth. President Trump is showing this genuine love and it’s working. The #WalkAway and #Blexit movements are just two examples of this change. Blacks and other former Democrats are leaving the corrupt party, because President Trump has unmasked the evil and violence of the left.
As evil is unmasked, it’s important to stand for good, and not hate the evil. When you hate evil, you become overcome by evil. You judge and misjudge, and play God. Your enemy looks like your friend, and your friend looks like an enemy. We’ve seen thugs attack Jewish synagogues and give bomb threats to Democrats and prominent leftist activists. With anger, you become part of the problem. President Trump fights evil on many sides by speaking out with strength and perfect love, calling for good people to unify.
Let’s overcome fear and anger, and do the same.