Jack Frost

By WND Staff

Editor’s note: Do you need something to smile about? Every day, WND selects the best joke offered up by readers and contributors to its Laughlines forum and brings it to you as the WND Joke of the Day. Here is today’s offering:

My husband and I purchased an old home in Northern New York State from two elderly sisters.

Winter was fast approaching and the years first snow came early and I was concerned about the house’s lack of insulation.

“If they could live here all those years, so can we!” my husband confidently declared.

One January night the temperature plunged to below zero, and we woke up to find interior walls covered with frost.

My husband called the sisters to ask how they had kept the house warm. After a rather brief conversation, he hung up.

“For the past 30 years,” he muttered, “they’ve spent the winters in Florida.”

Got a great joke you want to share with the world? Write it up in the WND
Laughlines forum. Who knows? It might be selected as the WND Joke of
the Day – and your wildest dreams will come true.

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