It’s not difficult to understand why President Trump is so uniformly hated by liberal progressives and the media. They hate him because he is not one of them; he does not aspire to be one of them; and because unlike them, President Trump is honest. Despite their best efforts, he continues to win, and he remains the champion of the people.
President Trump is a threat to the way the political zeitgeist has conducted business for over a hundred years, excluding President Reagan. They’re accustomed to lying and deceiving We the People by pretending that peripatetic frenzy and duplicitous double talk is synonymous with statesmanship and good governance.
President Trump isn’t a politician, and he isn’t a lawyer. He is a blue-collar billionaire real estate developer and former casino owner. And contrary to the low opinion of those attacking him, he is a genius. They boast of Harvard, Princeton and Yale, but he boasts of Wharton School of Business. For those who do not understand the reference, Wharton School of Business is in the top 7 percent of most difficult business schools to gain admission – which means it is easier to get accepted to Harvard, Yale and Princeton school of business.
For those who say President Trump has no political skills or political understanding, they should be asked what they think it takes to build a global business empire, if one doesn’t possess political skills?
Consider the Democratic apparatchiks who are attacking President Trump’s intellect and experience, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose political experience was gained while working as a bartender in New York. There are the other dim bulbs in the Democratic box, such as Sheila Jackson-Lee, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters and Hollywood bully Alec Baldwin who curses women, threatens old men and punches prissy boys. If Baldwin were to ever swing at me, it would be the last thing he remembered for a long time. But, I digress.
They hate President Trump because of Mueller’s failure vis-a-vis the mythological “Russian collusion” investigation. Any person with a modicum of political awareness knows if Mueller had anything damning on President Trump, he would have revealed it by now.
This is causing the ophidian leftists great angst. They’re convinced that President Trump is guilty of Russian collusion because they created the phony political scheme and then set snares to trip him up. But to their chagrin, they planted the evidence, but Mueller cannot find it.
The neo-Leninists are comprised of both Democrats and Karl Rove Republicans, i.e., “Never Trumpers.” They’re convinced because, as I said, they’re the ones who invented the collusion lie. They’re also the ones who used domestic and foreign operatives to infiltrate President Trump’s campaign.
They’re the ones that invented the phony story, and now they’re angry and inconsolable because evidence cannot be found.
Mueller has investigated everyone and everything but the carpets and draperies, finding nothing more than process crimes and none of those involving President Trump. But there has to be something, they caterwaul; there has to be something because they planted the evidence.
Gateway Pundit reported that John Solomon of The Hill “dropped another bombshell Friday on the historic Obama Spygate scandal. … According to Solomon, there were at least six deep state operatives who attempted to infiltrate and set up the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. … The operatives were sent out BEFORE the official FBI investigation of Trump was launched in July 2016.” (See: “Six Obama ‘Deep State’ Players Tried To Infiltrate Trump,”, Dec. 4, 2018.)
The purpose for this infiltration was to pave the way for the Obama entrails to have cause for the “legally authorized probe into the Trump campaign and possible collusion on July 31, 2016.”
The approval for this was obtained based upon falsities, fabricated concerns and planted evidence. In short, in addition to the countless numbers of crimes committed by Obama and his administration, his Department of Justice spied on American citizens not because they were engaged in terrorism or illegal acts, but in order to confirm fabricated crimes in their vain attempt to keep Donald Trump out of the White House and secure a Hillary Clinton victory.
The Obama-Clinton camorras are exactly the types of criminal activities the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) was created eradicate.
Mueller, who is the face of this so-called special investigation, should be investigated himself. He and every one of his operatives should be placed under oath and made to tell We the People how much money they have pocketed. They should be made to reveal the ways in which their families profited and investigated for other areas of criminal nepotism.
Mueller’s team, including Mueller himself, have long been involved and associated with the Clinton cabal. It is time We the People had the truth revealed.
This is not just a coup against the duly elected president of the United States of America; it is an attack on the sovereignty of We the People and our constitutional guarantee to free elections.