Facebook has rejected an ad for a movie that aims to tell the “true story” of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that established a legal right to abortion, according to the film’s producer.
Nick Loeb, who also co-wrote and co-directed “Roe v. Wade,” explained to WND that his attempt to “boost” a Facebook post promoting the film — turning it into a widely distributed ad — was rejected without explanation.
“It’s obviously the continued censorship of conservative content,” he said.
“What I’m hearing from everybody in the press is that because of Kavanaugh and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, they are fearing the movie will have an impact on overturning Roe v. Wade.”
The ad is a link to a Hollywood Reporter article about the film. It’s accompanied by a photo of actor Jon Voight, who plays a Supreme Court justice in the film, and the hashtag #BringRoevWadeToLife.
The New York Post cited a Facebook source saying that in the wake of foreign interference in the 2016 election, movies with a political agenda, such as the documentary about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, need a “Paid for by” disclosure.
Loeb argued that while abortion may be a political issue, the ad is for a movie.
One year ago, WND reported a crowdfunding site for the movie was blocked by Facebook.
A Facebook spokesman told Breitbart News the ad for Roe v. Wade fell under new rules requiring further verification and identification of people who run ads on “issues of national importance.”
The statement said:
The ads involve advocacy for an issue under our “issues of national importance.” As you know, in May we made big changes to the way ads related to politics or issues work on Facebook.
As a result, this ad requires authorization, disclosure before it can run on Facebook under this ad policy. Here are some details about the authorization process. To get authorized, advertisers will need to complete the following steps:
1. Page admins and ad account admins will submit their government-issued ID and provide a residential mailing address for verification.
2. We’ll confirm each address by mailing a letter with a unique access code that only the admin’s Facebook account can use.
3. Advertisers will have to disclose who paid for the ads; The ads will also live in a searchable Ad Archive for up to seven years.
Transparency continues to be a major priority for us in order to prevent election interference, so we are taking a broad approach to start as we roll out this policy further.
Loeb said that when the seminal case that ultimately upheld the Roe decision, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, was underway, a made-for-TV movie called “Roe vs. Wade” was broadcast “to try to influence the case.”
“We’re doing to them what they did to us for years,” he told WND.
Loeb said his movie could help overturn Roe, “once people see how it got decided.”
He argues the justices in the 1973 Supreme Court decision were influenced by the media and their families, and relied on biased sources with unreliable data.
“Some of their families were working for Planned Parenthood at the time, and they didn’t truly look at the case from a constitutional perspective,” he said.
Loeb said he and his team are working on a deal with a distributor that will put the movie in theaters before the end of the year.
See the ad that Facebook declined to “boost”:
Loeb has a part in the film as the famous abortion doctor who became a pro-life activist, Dr. Bernard Nathanson.
“It was a roller coaster, having to take both sides of the issue,” Loeb said of the role. “It was really fun to play him, it was really tough, it was really emotional.”
The executive producer is Alveda King, a niece of Martin Luther King Jr. and the head of the group Civil Rights for the Unborn.
On the film’s Indiegogo crowdfunding page, the makers describe it as “the real untold story of how people lied; how the media lied; and how the courts were manipulated to pass a law that has since killed over 60 million Americans.”
“Many documentaries have been made, but no one has had the courage to make an actual feature film, a theatrical movie about the true story.”
The producers, calling it the “most important pro-life movie in history,” say Hollywood “only wants you to hear their version of the story,” noting there are three movies in development that take a pro-abortion stance.
“But you shouldn’t be surprised. Hollywood has always had an agenda to influence Americans to accept abortion, even if they have to re-write history to do it.”