Hospital blasts resident for threatening to give Jews ‘wrong meds’

By Joe Kovacs

Lara Kollab (Facebook, Canary Mission)
Lara Kollab (Facebook, Canary Mission)

A medical professional who has a long history of anti-Semitic comments online is no longer working at an Ohio hospital after threatening to give Jews “the wrong meds.”

The Cleveland Clinic confirmed Lara Kollab, 27, who had been a supervised resident at the facility from July through September 2018, is no longer working there.

“Cleveland Clinic was recently made aware of comments posted to social media by a former employee,” the hospital said.

“She is no longer working at Cleveland Clinic. In no way do these beliefs reflect those of our organization. We fully embrace diversity, inclusion and a culture of safety and respect across our entire health system.”

Kollab had social-media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, but they have all been deactivated.

Her comments from 2011 to 2017 have been documented by the Canary Mission, which scours social media to locate remarks that are anti-Semitic and anti-Israel.

Some of her remarks, according to Canary’s translation, include:

  • “Hahha ewww.. I’ll purposely give all the [Jews] the wrong meds.”
  • “Look, Haifa is sweet (nice), but it’s full of Jewish dogs, and it looks like America, meaning, it wasn’t that special to me.”
  • “I don’t mean to sound insensitive but I have a REALLY hard time feeling bad about Holocaust seeing as the people who were in it now kill my people.”
  • “I blame israel for everything. everything that goes wrong, i say [Allah will kill the Jews] :P.”
  • “why is this airport literally full of Jews. I just had an evil staring contest with one bc he was staring. they look like settlers.”
  • “jewish settlers in palestine are the descendants of the nazis.”
  • “Annoying to go to school in a city full of Jews because everywhere I go I hear about the wonderful israel. About to tell this guy to stfu.”
  • “loll my friend’s husband works in an arabic restaurant.. a yahoodi [Jew] came in asking for israeli hummus.. he kicked him out of the restaurant.”

The State Medical Board of Ohio says Kollab has been working with a training certificate issued in July 2018.

“Her certificate is valid as long as the individual is actively part of the program which was indicated on the training certificate application by the supervising entity,” Tessie Pollock, the board’s director of communications, told Fox News.

“It is the Mission of the State Medical Board of Ohio to protect the health and safety of all Ohioans. Malicious acts and attitudes toward any population go against the Medical Practices Act and are denounced by the board,” she added.

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Joe Kovacs

Executive News Editor Joe Kovacs is the author of the new best-selling book, "Reaching God Speed: Unlocking the Secret Broadcast Revealing the Mystery of Everything." His previous books include "Shocked by the Bible 2: Connecting the Dots in Scripture to Reveal the Truth They Don't Want You to Know," a follow-up to his No. 1 best-seller "Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told" as well as "The Divine Secret: The Awesome and Untold Truth about Your Phenomenal Destiny." He is an award-winning journalist of more than 30 years in American TV, radio and the internet, and is also a former editor at the Budapest Business Journal in Europe. Read more of Joe Kovacs's articles here.

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