Second Coming – March 6?

By WND Staff


With the Superman character always superficially modeled on the God-Man figure of Jesus, Son of God, it should be no surprise that DC Comics has finally done the unthinkable – created a six-issue special series of “adult” comics said to be “closer to blasphemous than biblical.”

It’s set for release March 6 – more than a month before Passover and Easter.

But don’t confuse anything happening in this comic with what the Bible says about the real Second Coming.

DC Comics portrays Jesus as a failed Messiah sharing a two-bedroom apartment with “an all-powerful superhero, named Sun-Man,” according to author Mark Russell.

“The conceit is that God was so upset with Jesus’s performance the first time he came to Earth, since he was arrested so soon and crucified shortly after, that he has kept him locked-up since then,” Russell told Bleeding Cool.

In this series, Jesus returns to “set the gospel straight.”

Jesus is not omniscient in this series, but is totally clueless about what has happened on earth since he left.


“God was so upset with the fact that he got crucified last time that he wouldn’t even let him look through the celestial keyhole at earth to keep up,” said Russell. “He doesn’t know how sideways things have gone until he’s come down to Earth and sees it himself.”

When Jesus returns, He is shocked at how Christians have misinterpreted the gospel, Russell explains.

“[Second Coming] is about Jesus coming down and being appalled by what he sees has been done in his name by Christianity in the last 2,000 years,” spills Russell. “He goes by a mega-church and they have a billboard of this Tom Brady-looking Jesus Christ throwing a football and he doesn’t even recognize himself which is a metaphor for him not recognizing what’s been done with the religion that bears his name.”

Russell, raised in the church, believes Christianity’s got it all wrong.

“The Christian religion doesn’t really base itself on what he taught, particularly in the modern evangelical mega-churches,” he dishes. “They have him more as a mascot on t-shirts to prove they’re on the winning team,” he said.

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