Study validates Jordan Peterson’s take on Nordic feminism

By Around the Web

(Sputnik) Canadian psychology professor and online guru Jordan Peterson has often referenced the “Scandinavian paradox”, citing stark gender differences in “progressive” Nordic countries despite their commitment to equality. A recent Finnish study gives fuel to the embattled thinker’s standpoint, citing welfare state as one of the underlying reasons.

A fresh analysis called “Glass Ceiling Paradox” by Finnish think-tank EVA has addressed the issue of low proportion of female managers in Finland, despite the Nordic country potentially offering more equal opportunities compared to its less “feminist” peers.

In Finland, the proportion of women in senior positions is 32 per cent, which is below the OECD average, the report stressed. This is still a far cry from 44 per cent in Latvia, an OECD member state, which, unlike Finland and its fellow Nordic countries, seldom gets any praise for its gender equality.

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