There is no such thing as ‘reproductive rights’

By Jesse Lee Peterson

For almost 29 years, I’ve been speaking out against abortion. I’ve led protests outside Planned Parenthood abortion mills, spoken to people hurt by abortions on my radio show, and written articles to get the truth out.

Outside one abortion clinic, I pleaded with a teenager not to kill her child inside the womb. I even offered to take care of the child for her, with the help of my nonprofit organization, BOND. But it was already too late. A doctor had injected her with a saline solution that would kill her child. The doctor lied and said that the baby would not feel anything. For days she felt her child struggling and kicking for life inside her womb, before finally dying. To this day the young woman is traumatized with guilt.

The moral state of America has plunged over my lifetime – with the black community leading the way. Men have become increasingly weak, and women angry and out of control. Children grow up without any good examples. I’ve talked to Millennials and younger people who never saw a man of strong character while growing up. Instead, pathetic beta males kiss up to women, thinking they’re showing love and “equality” while bringing out the worst in the women. Today the female-dominated Democrat Party is the party of death.

In New York, the Democrat-majority government passed a new pro-abortion law allowing mothers to kill their unborn children up to the due date. Democrats dubbed it the “Reproductive Health Act,” declaring abortion a “fundamental right.” According to New York Right to Life, the Democrats’ idea of a mother’s “health” involves vague considerations of “age, economic, social and emotional factors.” In reality Democrats put personal convenience above a child’s life, ignoring the rights of the father, spoiling and lying to the mother, who later suffers. Democrats pretend that a human being inside the womb is not a “person” and should die if the mother “chooses.”

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

Have you ever wondered about the callousness of young black males killing people in America’s inner cities? In a rare honest moment, Hillary Clinton was actually right in the 1990s when she called these killers “super predators” with “no conscience, no empathy.” But consider that these communities are filled with mothers who commit abortions at a higher rate than anywhere in the country – discarding lives like trash. In New York City in recent years, more black babies were aborted than born! In 2009, 57 percent, and in 2012, 56 percent of black pregnancies in the city ended in abortion.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo loves abortion so much that he threatened to hold up the budget to get this new law passed, pretending it’s about “women’s rights.” Upon signing the bill, he celebrated by lighting up the “One World Trade Center” and other state landmarks in pink. In a city where 3,000 Americans died at the hands of Muslim terrorists in 2001, ten times that number – 31,328 black babies – died at the hands of black females and “doctors” in 2012.

Now under this new law, you don’t even have to be a doctor to perform an abortion. And if a pregnant woman suffers a miscarriage due to a violent assault, the criminal suspect will not be charged with killing the unborn child!

Male Democrats are like the anti-Trump. President Trump, an alpha male and man of God, pushes the government to do its primary job – to protect Americans from endless invasion by criminals. Andrew Cuomo, a weak beta male and son of Satan, celebrates his state killing the most vulnerable human beings with legalized murder. Blacks’ fallen messiah, Barack Hussein Obama, as a Senator voted to allow newborn children who survive a botched abortion to die on the medical table. If one of his daughters have sex out of wedlock, Barack wouldn’t want them “punished with a baby.” What an evil man!

Black female Democrat Andrea Stewart-Cousins, New York State Senate Majority Leader – Satan’s daughter – justified the bill by saying that “women’s health matters” and “women’s decisions matter.” But there is no such thing as “reproductive rights.” Human beings do not have a right to take the life of a fellow human being just because the child is hidden inside the womb.

You only hear Democrats talk about “freedom,” “rights” and “morality” when they want to defend doing wrong. But there is no freedom without morality. Satan wants to rule over human beings. Evil cannot rule over a moral people. It must demoralize people in order to control them. So evil drives people and entices them deeper and deeper into immorality.

Evil takes over because men – especially white men – have forsaken their role as moral leaders in the country. Just as whites have been cowed into silence, surrendering their power whenever someone calls them “racist,” so men give up authority when called “sexist.” The pro-life movement was once led by men. If we’re to win the country back for good, men must again take the helm on this issue and all issues. Abortion is not a “woman’s choice.” Abortion is murder – it’s evil. It’s time all decent men stand up and tell the truth.

Jesse Lee Peterson

Jesse Lee Peterson – host of “The Fallen State” TV show on WND-TV – is the most courageous, outspoken critic of the "civil rights" establishment in America today. Raised without his father on a plantation near Tuskegee, Alabama, during the Jim Crow era, Peterson has lived a part of America's history few have experienced. After a spiritual transformation, Peterson founded BOND, a nationally recognized nonprofit organization dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." Peterson is also the founder of The BOND Leadership Academy, a private school in Los Angeles. He's a radio talk-show host, speaker and author of "The Antidote." In addition to writing a weekly column for WND, Peterson appears as a media commentator on Fox News Channel, CNN and other national TV and radio networks. For more information, visit Read more of Jesse Lee Peterson's articles here.

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