Bad times ahead for Trump and the nation

By Larry Klayman

There is an old joke about lawyers that goes like this: “How can you tell that a lawyer is lying?” Answer: “He is moving his lips!” Another joke goes, “Why do great white sharks not attack lawyers?” Answer: “Professional courtesy.”

While these jokes ring true in many respects – and indeed is why I founded Judicial Watch in 1994 and later Freedom Watch ( and have lived my professional life as the “anti-lawyer” in large part – this so-called humor applies not just to the hundreds of lawyers who occupy mostly worthless space in both chambers of Congress, but also the speaker of the House herself, one Nancy Pelosi.

This week, moving her rather rigid lips (she appears to have had more facelifts than even the late comedian Joan Rivers), this evil pol proclaimed falsely that she does not intend to push impeachment of the 45th president of the United States. Her reason? “He’s not worth it.”

In taking this low-class shot at the president, Pelosi seems to be borrowing a page from anti-Judeo-Christian and CAIR-connected Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who this week also disparaged Trump, while complimenting fellow “half Muslim” former President Barack Hussein Obama, by calling The Donald less than human.

Clearly, given how things are lining up, with the president figuratively being “dragged to the guillotine” with the soon-to-be released report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the inquisitions in the House before the Judiciary Committee and Intelligence Committee, critical mass for Pelosi to “miraculously” justify and back impeachment is just around the corner. The trigger will be Mueller’s report, which, while perhaps not revealing evidence of alleged Russian collusion, will be loaded up with derogatory information about claimed obstruction of justice with regard to the firing of Mueller’s and, I might add, the current establishment Attorney General William Barr’s good buddy, former FBI Director James Comey.

For good measure, obstruction will also be claimed with regard to the alleged attempt by Trump to short circuit Mueller’s criminal investigation, which led to the indictment of Michael Flynn and a host of others, such as Michael Cohen, with whom pardons were allegedly discussed.

Whether any of this is true or not is not important for Pelosi and company. The threshold for impeachment is the commission of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” which is so low that it amounts to anything the rabid leftist and out-of-control Democrats in Pelosi’s House say it is. And, of course we know how this will turn out.

As I have said and written many times, President Trump has been backed into this corner by the placid non-action of his television lawyers, Rudy Guiliani and Jay Sekulow, frequently showcased with a number of repetitive guests on Sean Hannity’s nightly prime-time show on Fox News. Each night the likes of Sara Carter, Greg Garrett, formerly Sebastian Gorka (before he had the good sense to jump to truly conservative Sinclair Broadcasting) and other Hannity “favorites” spew the same hopeful Kool-Aid that justice is “just around the corner” for our president.

This propaganda boosts viewership, ratings and advertising dollars for FNC. Its gotten to the point that I can no longer stand watching and instead tune in MSNBC or CNN. At least there I am informed in “real time” about the latest criminally minded attempts of the left to remove our president. Then, at least Freedom Watch and I can then take legal actions to try to combat these efforts.

It’s time that all patriots gear up and face reality. Bad and hard times are ahead for our 45th president and the nation as a whole. Over the last nights, I have begun again to watch the now 10-year-old HBO miniseries “John Adams,” based on the Pulitzer Prize winning work of author David McCollough. I urge you also to do so, as it is instructive about how We the People must fearlessly stand up against tyranny and thus be prepared to risk all to preserve the God-inspired creation of our Founding Fathers.

In this regard, I also urge you to read anew our Declaration of Independence, signed on or about July 4, 1776, in the nation’s and my birthplace of Philadelphia. During the days leading up to this magnificent event, many prominent colonialists were also predicting that King George III would “straighten himself out” and that all would be well. But when it became apparent that all was not well, after the king took the colonies’ criminal justice system back to the Court of Saint James in England, seized our firearms, levied even higher taxes, stole American property and terrorized the populace, We the People had no choice but to rise up.

As in 1776, our collective fate again hangs in the balance, and the citizenry must now gear up to legally fight this coming battle for the survival of the republic.

Go to to enlist in our Justice League, donate to our cause and get ready to fight with me as if you are Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky Balboa, who also is, not coincidentally, from the birthplace of liberty, Philadelphia.

Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "It Takes A Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!" Read more of Larry Klayman's articles here.

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