College-admissions scammers oozed entitlement

By Around the Web

(Boston Herald) These arrogant, smug, rich pampered pukes in the middle of the college admissions scandal — they’re even more obnoxious than you think.

I read the entire 204-page affidavit the FBI filed in support of the criminal complaint, and it’s like being locked in a windowless room with 12 or 15 of the Democrat candidates for president. They ooze smarminess, entitlement and sanctimony, and as stupid as they are, they are absolutely positive that they are the smartest, most woke people in the room.

Let’s go straight to the affidavit. Meet Agustin Huneeus Jr. of San Francisco. His daddy owns some vineyards in the Napa Valley. His below-average daughter has been trying to get into USC in one of those water polo scams. It’s the usual thing — “fraudulent SAT score and a fabricated athletic profile” — including a photo of somebody else playing water polo. Hey, who cares, right?

Cost: $250,000.

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