A Democratic activist who believes party members could support “safe, legal and rare” abortion stance of years gone by is warning her party that its support of third-trimester abortion will be politically costly.
“This [current] abortion position is the most extreme it has ever been,” said Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life, in an interview with the Washington Free Beacon.
“They’re all fighting for the abortion lobby vote and that could turn around and hurt them all in the general election,” she said.
Nearly every announced candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination has supported late-term abortion. Former congressman Beto O’Rourke recently endorsed it, Democrats in New York adopted a law that specifically states the unborn have no rights and Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam went the furthest, advocating infanticide.
It was Democratic President Bill Clinton who once proclaimed support for abortion that was “safe, legal and rare.”
“Safe, legal and rare is something most pro-life Democrats could accept, but paying for abortion up to nine months with federal funds is extreme,” Day told the Free Beacon. “When you talk about abortion extremism you’re going to lose votes particularly the one-third of Democrats who identify as pro-life and think life is worth protecting.”
Why reach for the extreme? It’s probably driven by the money donated by Planned Parenthood and NARAL, she said.
She might be fighting a losing cause, though. A recent questionnaire her group sent to party members asked whether they are even open to allowing pro-lifers in the party.
And Missouri Democrats recently censored from their position statements an acknowledgement that there could be disagreement about abortion.
Day told the Free Beacon that while the party has supported abortion, members have acknowledged the complexity of the issue.
Now, she said, candidates are just parroting “the abortion lobby’s talking points.”
“They don’t care about women in crisis. They really don’t,” she told the Free Beacon. “Why do we consistently turn our backs on women in crisis pregnancy?”
Polls still show a majority of Democrats want some limits on late-term abortion, and Day says the party needs to pull back from its extremism.
“There is definitely a breaking point,” she warned.