‘Glorious!’ ‘Brutal’ video ‘takedown’ of Green New Deal unleashed

By WND Staff


The “Green New Deal” proposed by socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., gets enthusiastic support whenever it’s discussed by Democrats.

But their vote Tuesday in the Senate vote rejecting the resolution 57-0 may be a bigger indicator of their view of it.

And now Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has released a video showing Democrat after Democrat offering verbal support for the “global warming” agenda but then refusing to step up in a vote.

At the Twitter news-aggregating site Twitchy was the headline “GLORIOUS! Mitch McConnell’s video takedown of Dems’ Green New Deal BS is ‘absolutely brutal.'”

“McConnell, who the Democrats have criticized for bringing their own resolution to a vote, noticed that the left’s rhetoric is very different than their actual voting on the issue,” a Twitchy blogger wrote.

McConnell’s tweet noted 43 Democratic senators voted “present” and no one endorsed it.

The video drew many responses in Twitter, including from Cate Clary-Brown: “According to Al Gore we should have already been dead.”

The proposal has been called “fantasy” by independent presidential candidate hopeful Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks.

And economist Stephen Moore wrote in a WND column that the idea already has been tried once, and it failed.

In fact, he wrote, there are some Democrats suggesting, as an example of the idea, “President Barack Obama’s fiscal stimulus plan of 2009-2010.”

“By every objective criteria confirmed by every independent investigation, the avalanche of green dollars in Obama’s first term was a colossal waste of money. The House Oversight Committee’ exhaustive investigation of the $14 billion renewable energy loan guarantee program exposed widespread ‘dysfunction, negligence and mismanagement by DOE officials.’ The report concluded the Obama administration routinely ‘turned a blind eye’ to the mismanagement,” he wrote.

“In all, Obama (and George W. Bush before him) spent some $100 billion on giveaways to wind and solar power producers, electric cars and for weatherizing homes and buildings. It was arguably one of the largest corporate welfare experiments in American history, enriching an industry and its investors. Most of this money went for research to speed up commercial applications of green energy or was pipelined directly into bank accounts of individual companies,” he said.

“The most infamous of these was, of course, Solyndra, the solar energy company that received $530 million of taxpayer handouts and was touted many times by Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden, as the next big thing in green energy. It never produced any energy to speak of before it went bankrupt,” Moore said.

However, with Cortez’ plan, the cost wouldn’t be in the hundreds of billions, it would be in the trillions, he said.

“The sane conclusion would be: Never again,” he said.

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