The ripples from the Mueller investigation’s conclusion that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia will be felt at least through the 2020 election.
But the spin was at full speed Monday, one day after Attorney General Bob Barr released a letter to Congress summarizing Mueller’s finding that there was no collusion and no conclusive evidence of obstruction of justice.
But after the nearly two-year investigation found no collusion or clear obstruction of justice, Trump and his aides showed little interest in healing or national unity
— POLITICO (@politico) March 25, 2019
Instead of expressing contrition for obsessing for two years over an allegation unsupported by evidence, major media outlets such as Politico apparently were chastising President Trump.
Politico said via Twitter: “But after the nearly two-year investigation found no collusion or clear obstruction of justice, Trump and his aides showed little interest in healing or national unity.”
A blogger for the Twitter news aggregating site Twitchy reacted.
“They’re creative. They’ve got to be to turn the apparent Mueller report nothingburger into evidence that Donald Trump is the bad guy,” the blogger wrote. “Wow. Aces, Politico. You guys really nailed it.”
Twitter user Dan K. Eberhart had a word for Politico:Â “Victim blaming is unbecoming of you.”
Mike Morrison wrote: “Shocking that Trump would be hostile to the people claiming he’s guilt of treason.”
Lawmakers who have insisted for two years that Trump colluded with Russia are facing a backlash.
On Fox News, White House spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway called on Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., among the most virulent collusion accusers, to resign.
“He has been on every TV show 50 times a day during the last two years saying that the president would be impeached or indicted,” she said.
.@KellyannePolls says @AdamSchiff ought to resign immediately for slandering the President during the Special Counsel’s investigation.
“He has been on every TV show 50 times a day during the last two years saying that the president would be impeached or indicted.”
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) March 25, 2019
Schiff’s reaction to the Mueller report: “Mueller did not find sufficient evidence to establish conspiracy, nothwithstanding Russian offers to help Trump’s campaign, their acceptance, and a litany of concealed interactions with Russia.”
Clearly challenging Mueller’s conclusions, he said the country “must see the evidence” that Mueller saw.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, immediately called him out.
You. Have. Been. Exposed.
Stop the charade. There was no collusion.
You used your unique position on the Intel Cmte to convince the American people that you had access to evidence of collusion.
You lied and misled in order to pursue your political agenda. Move on.
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) March 25, 2019
“You. Have. Been. Exposed,” he wrote. “You used our unique position on the Intel Cmte to convince the American people that you had access to evidence of collusion. You lied and misled in order to pursue your political agenda.”
Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer wrote that with Mueller concluding there was no collusion, “it is time to scrutinize the Obama administration.”
“They spied on a US campaign, wiretapped Americans, bit on the dossier and unmasked Flynn,” he said. “What did Barack Obama know and what and when did he authorize it?”
Now that Mueller says there was no collusion, it is time to scrutinize the Obama Administration. They spied on a US campaign, wiretapped Americans, bit on the dossier and unmasked Flynn. What did Barack Obama know and what and when did he authorize it?
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) March 24, 2019
Buck Sexton, a former CIA agent, noted on Twitter that the Obama administration’s last CIA director, John Brennan, went on television “and repeatedly suggested that the sitting president committed treason and was an agent of the Russian Federation.”
“It is hard to overstate how reckless, stupid, and damaging to the reputation of the intel community this was,” he said.
Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino said history “will not be kind to Comey, Brennan, and Clapper.”
“And it’s going to be downright devastating to Obama and Biden.”
Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh said the media are “livid” over Trump’s exoneration.
“They want their president to be a traitor!” Limbaugh exclaimed.
“Why? So they can kick his a– out of town, to show everybody they can do just that. … Half of the country wanted him to be a traitor just so they could get rid of him. How sick are these people?”
Fox News reported Hollywood was going “apoplectic.”
“Did not imagine a world where they were able to indict Aunt Becky before Donald Trump,” actor Billy Eichner tweeted.
Lori Loughlin, the actress who played Aunt Becky on “Full House,” was accused recently of paying $500,000 in bribes to have two daughters accepted by Southern Cal.
Alyssa Milano, who constantly lashes out at Trump, challenged the summary from Attorney General Bob Barr, saying the full report would have been released “in seconds” if it supported Trump.
“Actor John Leguizamo posted about America’s ‘moral boundaries’ in the wake of the report’s alleged findings,” the report said.
“#trumpColluded beyond a doubt! Now America must confront itself about its own moral Boundaries and code of ethics! Turning point in American history! Are we a rule of law country or are we a lawless lie!” he wrote.
Rosie O’Donnell charged that Barr’s summary is unimportant, and the full details need to be released.
“Daredevil” star Vincent D’Onofrio said: “No worries folks. We just need to show up for the PRIMARY in 2020. Just ignore the nonsense. Get out and help your Dem or whomever you like. But if your choice does not win the primary back whomever does.”