The problem with ‘red flag’ laws

By WND Staff

We can defeat “red flag” laws, which prejudicially strip innocent gun owners of all their constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and universal human rights, rendering them second-class citizens, and even second-class human beings.

Anyone who is so mentally deranged that they are an imminent danger to others will not suddenly become sane and harmless simply because they are temporarily deprived of guns. Such a homicidal maniac can easily get illegal guns or use any of dozens of other commonly owned items as a deadly weapon. Therefore, if the proponents of “red flag” laws honestly and sincerely want to prevent such a maniac from harming anyone, they must agree that the dangerous individual must be locked up, not merely deprived of his 2nd Amendment rights and allowed to go free to find some other way to commit murder.

In fact, any legitimate “red flag” law should lock up non-gun-owners suspected of potentially violent behavior as well. Whether the accused is a gun-owner or not has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not he is a homicidal maniac. Singling out only gun-owners to be targeted by these laws is unjustifiably biased, prejudiced, bigoted, patently unfair and deprives the accused of his constitutionally guaranteed right to “equal protection under the law.”

Any legitimate “red flag” law should have no language at all stipulating anything about guns or gun ownership. They should simply state that any INDIVIDUAL who is suspected of being homicidal must be locked up until proven otherwise (regardless of whether or not the accused is a gun-owner). Second Amendment supporters in our legislatures must press for amendments to any “red flag” legislation that changes the focus from confiscating guns to locking up the supposedly dangerous individual. This will emphasize that our Second Amendment rights are just as valid, legitimate, important and guaranteed as the right of “habeas corpus,” or any other civil rights.

If the supporters of “red flag” laws are foolish enough to pass such an amended bill into law, it will immediately be challenged by the ACLU and other liberal organizations and thus struck down by SCOTUS. But if they reject the amendment, they will prove that they are lying hypocrites who actually have no interest at all in saving lives but in reality are merely exploiting this lie as a convenient excuse to rob harmless innocent citizens of their constitutional right to own the tools necessary for self defense.

John Lewis

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