You know, I used to be a liberal Christian. I saw no conflict between these two adjectives and happily went through life, secure that I knew it all.
That was then. This is now. In the last 20 years, my faith has taken a lurch to the right as the chaos of a godless society continues to pile up, fueled by the progressive leftist agenda I once embraced.
These days, the Judeo-Christian morals that once characterized America are either completely mocked, or redefined to the point where they mean the opposite. This is why an abortion doctor can claim it is his Christian “calling” to kill babies and that he’s “doing the Lord’s work.” (Oh he has a “lord,” all right, but it sure isn’t the God of the Bible.)
Similarly, “More than 20 religious leaders participated in a ceremony to ‘bless’ a new Planned Parenthood clinic in Washington, D.C., calling the abortion facility a ‘sacred work,'” notes this article. “The organizer of the event Tuesday was the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, which says its mission is to bring ‘the moral force of religion to protect and advance reproductive health, choice, rights and justice through education, prophetic witness, pastoral presence and advocacy.’ ‘In almost every message to our staff, I talk about our doing sacred work,’ Dr. Laura Meyers, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, told ‘This confirms the sacredness of the work we do.'”
See, this only works if there is no God. Without God, you can just make up your “moral” standards as you go. Without God, you can “bless” a baby butchering facility and think you’re righteous. Without God, you can call murder “sacred.”
In a New York Times opinion piece entitled “Raising Children Without the Concept of Sin,” mother Julia Scheeres (raised by fundamentalist parents) justifies her decision to raise an atheist child. “Now I believe that this life is the only life we’ll know; this planet, our only existence,” she writes. “I am no longer motivated by fear of an unproven hell, but by real-world concerns about injustice and inequality.”
But hell has a purpose. While atheists choose only to focus on times faith is used as a tool of oppression and mayhem, they ignore the corollary: without a Superior Being judging our actions or threatening consequences, then we have no restrictions.
Right now, even the atheist movement is still constrained by the Judeo-Christian morals upon which America (and indeed, all of Western civilization) was founded. But little by little, those morals are eroding as succeeding generations, each further from the truth their forefathers knew, rush to substitute their own made-up versions of God’s eternal truth. This lack of God-given morals leaves a hole in their souls … and Satan loves a vacuum.
I am assured by progressive atheists that “Atheists have morals too.” Of course they do – they obey the law just as everyone else does. But where do those laws originate? Yes, from the Judeo-Christian morals upon which America was founded. But in their attempts to make America a religion-free society, those laws and morals – and the restraint and control they include – gradually disappear.
We have endless examples in history to prove what happens next when godlessness is enshrined in law, including Germany in World War II and the French Revolution (motto: “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”). In fact, the French Revolution is a prime example of what happens when godlessness is mixed with powerless people.
“What is the fundamental divergence between liberals and conservatives?” asks Ken McIntyre. “Barack Obama coined it: God and guns. I think our feelings about God are the quintessential point. Liberals reject God. They hate that the Founding Fathers guaranteed the right to have faith in God. Conservatives have the audacity to exercise those rights.”
One thing inexorably leads to another. Deny God and all the constraints He imparts – and take away the ability of citizens to defend themselves – and eventually people get guillotined for looking cross-eyed at their neighbors. (And if you claim this can “never happen” in America, you are completely ignorant of both history and human nature – which, incidentally, is a goal of progressive education.)
This is why the Green New Deal is being pushed by the left. Since God isn’t real to them, then humans are “innately good and only suffer problems like inequality because we lack a top-down system with brilliant managers to steer us toward human perfection,” according to this Washington Times column.
Godless people have no restraint on their behavior. Godless societies start by eliminating the weakest and most helpless – unborn children. Then it progresses to those with “flaws” (such as Down syndrome). Then it progresses to those whose opinions or lifestyles are deemed unacceptable to the state (China is famous for eradicating such troublesome people). The left works overtime to destroy Christianity and then wonders at the outcome.
No one – no matter how atheist, liberal or progressive – can argue that a full-term baby is a “cluster of cells” and “not human.” But in the name of “justice” and “equality,” states one by one are passing laws permitting infanticide. We’re talking about killing full-term healthy infants with nothing wrong with them except being the recipient of a mother’s whim and a doctor’s willingness to commit murder. This only works if there is no God.
In a 1998 book entitled “What If the Bible Had Never Been Written?” the authors note: “Many of the humanists’ goals have been realized in the public school arena. They have managed to throw the Bible out of the schools. But the result has not been what they imagined. By every conceivable criterion, our public schools are a mess, and the banishing of our rich Judeo-Christian heritage in the schools has everything to do with it.”
Can anyone see the connection between godlessness and school shootings? Today’s godless liberals preach that everything is permissible, and the only thing that’s unacceptable is that there should be rules and restraint in life.
Ignoring the rules of nature and nature’s God is never a good idea, but there’s hope. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14