(TOWNHALL) – Watching the Jeep Super Bowl commercial several times, it suddenly became clear, President Trump is on his way to a 45-state landslide.
You are way out over your skis, some will say. Get this guy some smelling salts!
What about the nonstop investigations? What about Stormy Daniels and Robert Mueller? What about the angry left and their apologists in the national media? What about Mr. Trump’s prickly, in-your-face persona? What about the feckless Congressional Republicans and the never-Trumpers? What if the trade talks with the Communist Chinese come up empty?
Watching the Jeep ad, it became crystal clear. None of that really matters. It is just noise.
All elections boil down to fairly simple questions. The next election will not be a matchup between a larger than life Donald Trump and one of the twenty-odd, Left-lurching munchkins. It won’t even be a contest between a Republican and a Democrat (Socialist). It will be a contest between those who love this country and those who don’t.
It’s as simple as that.