Convention at major U.S. hotels showcases extreme sexual depravity

By Linda Harvey

[Warning: Graphic content]

If you had plans to take your kids to downtown Cleveland over the weekend of April 25-28, don’t – unless you want them to receive a quick and nightmarish tutorial about where the “LGBTQ” agenda really takes America: into a filthy sewer.

That weekend, major Cleveland hotels will host CLAW, the Cleveland Annual Leather Weekend

It’s a large orgy of homosexual males focused on “sado-masochism” and “bondage.” Think ropes, chains, erotic asphyxiation, suspension by hooks, cutting, etc. Or maybe don’t think about them, since these are usually considered reckless, stupid activities involving major risks of injury and disease, committed by severely emotionally disturbed people.

Unless of course you identify as “LGBTQ.” Then you get respect and can demand whatever you want in “public accommodations” even if it’s crazy, disgusting or a public health nightmare.

Which is why there’s a petition to Cleveland officials to stop this outrage.

If you have an interest in the Westin that weekend, it’s apparently “full.” Think about that: Packed with deviant males who will be doing who knows what in their rooms.

Sorry to offend, but it’s important to understand what is going on here: the public sharing of bodily fluids of promiscuous people who also regularly engage in anatomically invasive sex practices. So in the meeting rooms of the Westin, Hampton Inn, Cleveland Marriott, etc., there will be activities and “workshops” (a.k.a., orgies) involving blood, feces, urine, semen and – when people realize what they are doing – possibly vomit.

Several days later, you might be attending a corporate luncheon in the same room – and the Cleveland Department of Health is apparently okay with this.

But a subset of homosexual males loves these practices as a way to express “sexual orientation,” and so Cleveland officials just let these deviants take over the city.

Isn’t it obvious that the “LGBTQ” community rules this country? And the “Equality Act” in Congress will only bring more such barbaric perversion to America’s “public accommodations.”

These preferences and this conduct do not belong in the U.S. civil rights code, but that’s what Nancy Pelosi has pledged to do: Bring this dangerous bill, HR 5, to a vote – and with 240 co-sponsors, it is likely to pass – and then it goes to the Senate, where the same bill as S.788 has also been introduced.

But for those who have eyes to see, CLAW displays the excesses of the incessant homosexual agenda. CLAW also pretends to be healthy, with lots of discussion about “consent” and safe boundaries (for intrinsically horrific, degrading behavior). And it poses as a “non-profit” and donates to many Ohio and national homosexual causes and organizations, which lowers the credibility of the “LGBTQ” movement even further.

Here’s part of the CLAW mission statement: “CLAW holds that adult interest in leather, fetish, and BDSM is natural and healthy.”

Perhaps for residents of hell, but for those of us in functional America, these remain sick and twisted activities.

So what will happen at this convention? Go here to read all about it. Here’s just a sample, and if this makes you sick, I apologize, but folks, we have to do something about it, and people won’t until they are outraged.

Just looking at the sponsors gives us the first clue. There’s, a social network for men; Blow Buddies of San Francisco; Jim Support, which offers “hardcore sling frames, rim seats and play benches”; and Square Peg Toys, and no, we are not talking about yo-yos.

Here are some of the planned workshops: “Speed Dating BDSM 1—Meet and Beat” and another called “Fill that hole” (sorry, folks); “Speed Dating: Couples and Thirds – the More the Merrier”; “Bound and Beautiful”: “Mosh! A Party for Pups to Play” and many sessions teaching about the following depraved sex practices—fisting, rimming, rope suspension, wrapping in plastic wrap, cigar play; “submissive sissy play and hypnosis,” and much more that we can’t reveal here.

It’s so thoroughly disgusting that it’s difficult to understand how any civilized city can host this. How can respectable hotels accommodate such activities?

How can America submit to this assault? Our “tolerance” of this barbarity truly signals our national, cultural and spiritual bondage.

Do you want to push back?

  • Sign the petition here.
  • Contact the hotels and ask the management to cancel their hosting of the event: Cleveland Westin (216-771-7700) is the primary venue. Other hotels are: Cleveland Marriott (216-736-7009), Aloft (216-400-6469) and Hampton Inn (216-241-6600).
  • Contact Mayor Frank Jackson: (216) 664-2000
  • Contact Cleveland City Council: (216) 664-2840
  • Contact the Director of Public Health, Merle Gordon: (216) 664-2324

Linda Harvey

Linda Harvey is president of Mission America and hosts a talk show on Salem affiliate WRFD in Columbus, Ohio. Read more of Linda Harvey's articles here.

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