In an attack on the pro-life community, Google categorized the new hit movie “Unplanned” as “propaganda” for about 12 hours.
Who knew that “propaganda” was a movie genre? @Google once again exposing its gross political bias. @UnplannedMovie
— Kelsey Bolar (Harkness) (@kelseybolar) April 11, 2019
Kelly Bolar took a screenshot of Google’s designation, “Drama/Propaganda,” and posted it on Twitter.
“Who knew that ‘propaganda’ was a movie genre? @Google once again exposing its gross political bias,” Bolar wrote.
The movie tells the dramatic true story of a Planned Parenthood clinic manager, Abby Johnson, who quits and becomes a pro-life activist after assisting in an abortion.
A Twitter user noted Google “fixed” the propaganda label after 12 hours.
But a blogger for the Twitter news-aggregator Twitchy said, “We’re not really sure they ‘fixed’ anything … fixing it would also be an apology but we suppose this is a start.
“The next time someone accuses you of wearing tinfoil when you point out how politically biased against Conservatives Silicon Valley is send them this story,” said Twitchy. “… It’s hard to deny your bias when you all but create a new movie genre for a movie about Planned Parenthood so people who search it might not take the movie seriously.”
WND reported “Unplanned” has succeeded despite considerable opposition. Over its opening weekend, for example, Twitter had an “error” that shut down the movie’s account and deleted 50,000 followers.
The movie also was given an “R” rating despite no nudity or violence. And networks refused to sell time and space for advertising. A company even prevented the movie from using a piece of music because of the topic.
Actress Robia Scott talked about her role in the movie:
And Matthew West created a music video for “Unplanned”:
Fox News reported Johnson now has a ministry called And Then There Were None that helps abortion workers get new jobs.
WND reported this week that Ashley Bratcher, the actress who plays Johnson, says she knew her performance might trigger Hollywood to blacklist her.
But she said that risk was “very small” compared to the value of getting the message out.
“Think of all the people who are affected by this movie,” she said in an interview with Samaritan’s Purse CEO Franklin Graham, who posted it online.
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“I believe God’s going to honor me because he called me to do this,” she said.