Top NYT journalist: Trump’s right, America needs ‘the wall’

By WND Staff


The New York Times just months ago charged that President Trump was using “immigration” for political gain and the Democrats should offer a realistic approach.

Then weeks ago the publication’s commentary page said “‘mass’ immigration is a myth,” at least “by any reasonable metric.”

Now one of the Times’ prominent voices, liberal columnist Thomas Friedman, admits that a “high wall” is needed, although he proposes a large gate as well.

He was being interviewed on CNN about the issue.

“I’m as radically pro-immigration as they come. But it is pretty clear to me that unless we can assure a significant number of Americans that we can control our border, we’re never going to have the proper immigration flow I think we need,” he said.

He revealed he recently visited the border.

“The whole day left me more certain than ever that we have a real immigration crisis and that the solution is a high wall with a big gate – but a smart gate.”

He said America has a moral responsibility for immigration, as it is a nation of immigrants.

“I think the only way is a compromise,” he said, accusing President Trump of “wasting” the crisis.

“When you think about it, he has the chops with his base, if he were to sit down, call Nancy Pelosi up, say … You bring your immigration team I’ll bring mine. …. We will actually sort out a compromise,” he said.

“We need a compromise.”

Pressed on his comments about a wall, he said, “You gotta control the border. ”

At Great American Politics, Michael Cantrell wrote, “If you remain silent and perfectly still, there’s a high chance you can probably hear the sound of left-wing nutjobs all across the country crying out in rage and agony all at once.”

President Trump has proposed a number of different options for border security, all including some form of physical barrier where needed. Democrats, who previously had funded such barriers, have flatly refused to even consider it.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said at one point she would give him one dollar for a wall.

Their recalcitrance triggered a weeks-long, partial government shutdown that began shortly before Christmas. It prompted the president to declare a national emergency, which allows him to use funds already appropriated for national security to build a wall.

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