It was at the height of Hillary Clinton’s influence as secretary of state under Barack Obama that she was using a private and unsecured email server for national secrets, in violation of practice and precedent, when she was warned not to do that.
The warnings came from Eric Boswell, a former assistant secretary of state for Diplomatic Security.
His warnings came to light through a deposition in a lawsuit by Washington watchdog Judicial Watch, which has been given permission by a federal judge to take statements from figures in the Clinton email scandal.
In his testimony, Boswell said Clinton was warned twice against using unsecure BlackBerry smartphones and personal emails to transmit classified material.
But she did it anyway.
“Boswell, who was responsible for securing classified and national security information, stated that Clinton and her staff were ‘wedded to their BlackBerrys,'” Judicial Watch said. “Additionally, he stated that he and other former State Department employees ‘were surprised’ that Clinton used to conduct official government business.”
He said Clinton and others were warned in 2009 that “any unclassified Blackberry is highly vulnerable in any setting to remotely and covertly monitoring conversations, retrieving emails and exploiting calendars.”
Clinton was warned again in 2011 when Boswell said, “We also urge Department users to minimize the use of personal web email for business, as some compromised home systems have been reconfigured by these actors to automatically forward copies of all composed emails to an undisclosed recipient.”
He testified Clinton assured him that she “gets it.”
But he stated that Clinton and staff members were “wedded to their BlackBerries” and wanted to continue using them in secure areas because it was convenient.
Boswell was deposed as part of the discovery granted to Judicial Watch by U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth in response to its Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
Others on the list for questioning include Justin Cooper, a former aide to Bill Clinton who reportedly had no security clearance and is believed to have played a key role in setting up Hillary Clinton’s non-government email system; John Hackett, a State Department records official; and Jacob Sullivan, Hillary Clinton’s former senior adviser.
Another is Susan Rice, Obama’s former U.N. ambassador, who appeared on Sunday television news shows following the Benghazi attacks blaming a “hateful video.” She also was involved in unmasking the names of senior Trump officials who were spied on by the Obama administration.
“Thanks to our court-ordered discovery, we now have confirmation that Hillary Clinton was warned by the top security official in the State Department that unsecure Blackberry and email use was a security risk, yet Hillary Clinton ignored these warnings,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Judicial Watch has launched multiple lawsuits to obtain information about Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, and said earlier this month that the Obama White House knew about the scandal earlier than previously admitted and tried to cover it up.
The documents, obtained from the State Department through court-ordered discovery, “suggest the Obama White House knew about the Clinton email lies being told to the public at least as early as December 2012,” the watchdog group said.
WND reported in April a senior FBI official, E.W. Priestap, admitted under oath the bureau found emails sent from Clinton’s unsecured server in President Obama’s executive office in the White House.
Fitton said at the time that the confirmation made under oath showed that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office “to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.”
Fitton was referring to the more than 30,000 emails under subpoena that were thoroughly deleted through an application called BleachBit by order of Clinton’s State Department team.
When then FBI Director James Comey announced in July 2016 that the FBI had decided not to refer criminal charges in the case, he nevertheless said Clinton had been “extremely careless” in her handling of classified information.
More than 100 emails on her server contained classified information, including 65 emails deemed “Secret” and 22 “Top Secret.” Another 2,093 emails were retroactively marked classified by the State Department.
Lamberth has described the Clinton email system as “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”