Editor’s note: The featured videos contain objectionable language.
They’re unrestrained. They’re foul-mouthed. They’re violent. And they appear to be everywhere the pro-life Created Equal activists display their images of aborted babies.
At least, that’s the impression left by a video montage of physical attacks by abortion supporters on the group’s peaceful pro-lifers.
“For abortion activists to promote dismembering young humans through abortion is to celebrate violence. Thus, violence is inherent to abortion advocacy. We thus should not be surprised when those who champion killing babies also assault those who stand between them and the victims,” the organization said.
“Pro-abortion activists are losing the argument, and instead of seeking civil debate they are escalating the violence on peaceful preborn defenders,” said Created Equal Executive Director Mark Harrington.
“We will never cave to acts of violence or intimidation. We will return hate with love for mothers and their babies.”
See the video (Warning: objectionable language):
The organization explained the video is an “inside look” at what its activists regularly face.
“We are one of the most active and effective pro-life groups in the country, and the strong desire to silence us is evidence of it. When preborn children are calmly defended through dialogue paired with images of the victims, it incenses abortion supporters. They cannot [bear] to see the truth, so they lash out in violence,” the organization said.
WND reported a “feminist” was ticketed for allegedly assaulting Created Equal activists and spray-painting their signs.
It happened at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Another video came from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus, where a woman grabbed a sign out of the hands of Created Equal members and walked away with it.
To her dismay, however, the woman walked into the arms of a police officer and was arrested for larceny.
Caught red handed, she told the officer: “I was going to give it back.”
See the video:
Previously, a student assaulted Created Equal intern Austin Beigel: