A special place in Hell

By Around the Web

(TOWNHALL) – I’m generally not someone who views my political opponents as evil. After all, my best friend is a raging liberal, though he’s now a doctor who is not active in politics and has mellowed with age. But lately leftists have gotten so unhinged, gotten so nasty, that I don’t see any way I could even stand to be in the same room with them. The way they act now is like someone trying to make sure they reserve a first-class suite in Hell.

Trump Derangement Syndrome has done something to people who were always teetering on the edge of sanity. It hasn’t just pushed them over that edge, they’ve cannonballed into the deep end of insanity and are embracing it. And insanity, left unchecked and encouraged by pop culture and media, leads to evil.

When billionaire industrialist and philanthropist David Koch died Friday, these people couldn’t contain their joy. He was a libertarian activist who gave to groups fighting (unsuccessfully) to advance the cause of individual liberty, but he also gave more the charitable causes and hospitals than all of the people cheering his death will ever collectively give to charity in their lifetimes.

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