This week saw the likely end of two adversarial Middle Eastern regimes. Ironically, this occurred in countries that could not be more diametrically different and opposed to each other. The first was of course Israel, where for many years its eloquent but “hot air” filled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has threatened strong decisive action against the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has continually threatened to destroy not just Israel, kill all Jews and by extension Christians, but also destroy the “Great Satan,” the United States.
In the Israeli elections this week, Netanyahu’s Likud Party lost seats in the Knesset and no longer has the lion’s share of seats – thus signaling his loss of the prime ministership, particularly in the context of Bibi’s likely indictment on charges of bribery and other corruption. In my opinion, the primary reason for his impending “exit stage left” is that, contrary to the incorrect perception in America, Netanyahu was a weak leader.
On several occasions when Bibi had the chance to put the mullahs in Tehran away, along with their proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, the prime minister and his entourage blinked and let them off the hook. I myself witnessed this up close and personal, as I was in Israel during the last two wars in Gaza with Hamas, when Netanyahu bowed down to the American “mullah in chief,” President Barack Hussein Obama, and shied away from finishing off Hamas. This is just one example among many.
Indeed, when it was still possible to kill the cancerous leadership in Tehran and their push to atomic weapons and ballistic missiles with powerful surgical strikes, as had been done years ago with Libya, Netanyahu dithered and showed a lack of nerve to simply get the job done. In effect, this nuclear cancer, much less the ever-growing power of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which is under the control of the maniacal Supreme Leader Seyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei, could have been eliminated once and for all when the regime was much less formidable than it is today.
So it is no wonder Israelis grew tired of the bellicose oratory of Bibi, a man great on talk and desperate opportunism. As exhibited in the final days leading up to this week’s elections, after all this time, Netanyahu conveniently and shamelessly pledged to annex land on the West Bank that already belongs to the Jews as bequeathed to them by God. In my humble opinion as a proud Zionist, Netanyahu was no longer to be believed on a number of fronts, not the least this one!
Of course, Bibi was not alone in his unmitigated smoke and mirrors and sleights of hand in how to deal with the growing existential threat of Iran. Complicit as well is the United States and its European so-called allies, all of which, in varying degrees, including the current Trump administration, have kicked the proverbial can down the road in a manner that would make Neville Chamberlain proud.
Sure, President Trump rightly ended the sham of a “travesty of a mockery of sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham,” in the words of comic Woody Allen, the Iran Nuclear Deal Framework, but he did not devise an effective backup plan other than reimposing some economic sanctions. And, now that the vile and radical Islamic mullahs and their proxies have committed an “act of war,” in the frank and true words of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, by attacking the largest oil refinery in Saudi Arabia, thereby harming the world’s economy, President Trump’s response thus far has been only to dither and show a lack of nerve, by merely ordering up more sanctions on Iran.
With the exception of ending apartheid in South Africa several decades ago, when the entire free world imposed economic sanctions on the racist Afrikaner regime, sanctions have never worked in modern world history. They are simply an excuse to shy away from doing what must be done, in the case of the Iranian regime killing the head of the snake.
It is this reticence to take strong and decisive action that probably caused the rift between President Trump and former National Security Adviser John Bolton, who clearly understood the facts of life when in came to Iran in particular. Like Netanyahu, the president talks big but acts little. In this case, he probably fears that if greater conflict breaks out in the Middle East, with American troops getting involved, that this could be a recipe for him losing the presidency in 2020.
I love President Trump and personally support him to the fullest, but he should take a lesson from the about-to-be-defunct Netanyahu, a man who could speak well but when it came to real decisive action slivered away from the big dance and its big ring of fire. Now he has been shown the door.
So when the fanatical Islamic Jew and Christian haters in Tehran threaten, if rightly attacked, to ignite a major war in retaliation, as they did Thursday, the moment has come for President Trump, Israeli leadership (whatever it may now be), the Saudis and the cowardly and self-serving Europeans to finally take them up on their kind offer.
If the West had done so early enough in the months and years leading up to Hitler’s Third Reich, the world would indeed have been spared a world war that took tens if not hundreds of millions of dead and severely wounded.
It’s therefore high time to face reality and to simply take the Iranian regime out, by overwhelming force, with the use of tactical and relatively radiation free nuclear weapons of our own, if necessary, before it is too late.