The last week in particular underscores exactly what I have been saying for many years! The latest outrage by our so-called Department of Justice (DOJ) – which, do not be fooled, is compromised to the core by the Deep State – is to again let former FBI Director James Comey go into the sunset scot free. Instead of recommending that he be indicted for releasing classified information into the public domain – as part of his slimy and successful scheme to trigger a special counsel investigation of falsely alleged Russian collusion by President Donald Trump – the report of the Obama-appointed inspector general, Michael Horowitz (whose real specialty is cleverly burying or whitewashing scandals) is that Comey simply violated internal DOJ policies.
This comes on top of a prior decision, or shall we call it a “dive,” by attorney general Bill Barr – who contrary to the spin of Fox News – is no legal messiah, but rather another establishment Republican tool when it comes to actually meting out justice for the criminals behind the attempted coup of the president.
Barr has done as much as he will ever do! While he put an end to the “witch hunt” of Mueller, he has neither prosecuted – much less disciplined him and his staff for gross prosecutorial misconduct, unconstitutional surveillance and criminal grand jury leaks – much more phony prosecutions. This is with the one exception of Roger Stone who, unlike my client Dr. Jerome Corsi, allegedly lied under oath and then threatened to kill a material witness Randy Credico and his service dog, if Credico did not provide false testimony in Stone’s favor. Hardly a percentage move!
However, even Barr’s putting a halt to Mueller served little or no purpose. Now the witch hunt has simply and predictably morphed into an impeachment inquiry in the Pelosi-led House of Representatives, championed by the likes of that “bloated blowhard of BS,” House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerold Nadler – a man so formerly rotund that he formerly had to buy two airlines seats to return to his leftist district.
So while the now slightly slimmed-down version of Nadler and his rabid Democrat comrades are flying high on his “hit parade” of attempting to destroy our great president, the rest of the country – that is, the citizenry that actually cares about what is going on in the capital of corruption – remains in a steep nose dive, with the end result being we are all destined to eventually “crash and burn” unless something drastically changes.
The Comey saga and his skating from Lady Justice is just one of a myriad of recent examples that we have no system of justice that is equal for all. If you come from the other side of the street, whatever your political persuasion, race, creed, religion, national origin or socio-economic standing, look out! Our justice system is stacked in favor of the “entitled” rich and powerful, that cozy club of self-appointed nobility that thinks their “poop don’t stink” and they are superior to us “ordinary folk” of lesser means and lineage.
In the words of King Louis XVI and his paramour Madame de Pompadour – both of whom wound up being beheaded for good reason – “Après moi le déluge!” Translated from French into English, “after me the flood,” meaning who cares what happens after we finish terrorizing and robbing the masses of their hard earned Francs?
Sound familiar? This is Washington, D.C. in today’s world. The Democrat and Republican establishments could care less about the rest of us peasants. The nation burns as its capital – ever expanding with luxurious richness like Versailles – grows more affluent and insulated from the rest of us.
And that in a nutshell is why it is not enough to continue on with the “reality show” in most of the conservative media, peddling false hope that justice is just around the corner. This may boost television ratings and advertising dollars and fill the financial coffers of certain “let’s play it easy, safe and lucrative” public interest watchdogs, but it does not take the nation out of its nose dive to extinction.
Ask yourself, fellow patriots: Did the money changers in the temples of ancient Israel save us from the the high priests who monetized and corrupted our Judeo and later Christian values, as preached against by the likes of Moses and our savior Jesus Christ? The answer is obviously a resounding NO!
So it is time to heed the words of someone I consider to be the greatest of our Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, who not coincidentally was also an architect of the French revolution.
Jefferson advocated revolution every on other generation to clean house of the political vermin who he correctly predicted would later infest our body politic. In so doing, Jefferson declared that only when the government fears the people will there be lasting liberty.
Today, while unlike Jefferson I do not advocate spilling blood to accomplish this end (and to do so would be suicidal with the advanced weapons our so-called government has in the 21st century), I do urge that “it takes a revolution” – this one peaceful but strong – to accomplish our mission.
That is why we at Freedom Watch do not just obtain documents under the Freedom of Information Act and then boast of our successes on Fox News, but are engaged in bringing hard-hitting lawsuits and citizen’s grand juries to indict, convict, sentence and then legally mete out these sentences as we are entitled to do under our Constitution.
For if We the People do not now engage in legal battle as fearless patriots, as I have said over and over in these columns on WND (the one internet site that allows me and others of good conscience to tell the whole anti-self-serving truth), all will soon be lost.
Sure, yours truly and others of my age may make it over the finish line to the promised land beyond this earthy world, but our children and grandchildren will otherwise be sentenced to life in a virtual Soviet-style Gulag.
To help prevent this, enlist in what in effect is our “Citizens’ Militia” – yes militias are legal under our Second Amendment – and sign up and support our version called “Freedom Watch’s Justice League” by going to Freedom Watch USA.