Impeachment trial: A travesty of a sham of a mockery of a sham

By Larry Klayman

Having endured watching some of the impeachment trial proceedings this week – and I must confess that I could not endure all of it – it’s difficult in a family-friendly column to describe the pathetic and dishonest performance of the likes of the Democratic House managers, and in particular House Intel Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. Even if the establishment Republican likes of Sen. Lindsey Graham could find it in his “closeted heart” to praise Schiff for his presentation, exposing more about the two-faced lawmaker from South Carolina than anything else, or be subjected to the ridiculous musings of so-called Judge Andrew Napolitano on Fox News, who is foaming at the mouth advocating The Donald’s conviction as a result of his perverse concept of the “overwhelming evidence against him,” no one of right mind could listen to this garbage and come away with any conclusion other than this: In the style of Woody Allen, this is a mockery of a travesty of a sham of a mockery of a sham!

What really struck me about the House managers in particular was not only their dishonest, overblown and pathetically repetitive opening arguments, but how they were dressed. Given that their biggest supporter in the Fake News leftist media, short of CNN, aka the “Communist News Network,” is NBC and its sister cable network MSNBC, it is ironic that they were all dressed up like peacocks – or was it rather the Porky Pig-like Jerrold Nadler and company that they are? But then again, in the words of Sarah Palin, can we really put lipstick on pigs?

This dog-and-pony show is a pure excuse for reality television, and it borders on pornographic. It only serves the ratings and advertising dollar purposes of not just the CNNs and MSNBCs of the rabid leftist media world, but also Fox News on the ever-more compromised right, given Napolitano, Chris Wallace and their stable of other Trump haters, showcased by the new leftist chairman of the network, Lachlan Murdoch. Murdoch, by the way, as depicted in the recent Showtime series “Loudest Voice,” was the nemesis of Fox News’ founder and now deceased CEO Roger Ailes. He and his brother James, of British royal wiretapping fame, are devout leftists, so it’s no surprise that the once-conservative network is moving in the direction of its “soul brothers” on the left.

Given that we all are tired of this continuing saga, I will not belabor my point further. Rather, listen to the embedded video of my show this week on Radio America, “Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman,” which expounds on my views about this fraud on the American people. Until then, rest up fellow patriots, as we have a long and hard road ahead of us to preserve and protect the God-inspired and given creation and vision of our Founding Fathers.

In this regard, go to and sign up for and support our Justice League, as the “court jesters” in Congress continue to play patty cakes with themselves to the detriment of We the People’s sacred liberties and freedoms.

Listen to “Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman”:

Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "It Takes A Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!" Read more of Larry Klayman's articles here.

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