Despite all the spin and hype coming from Roger Stone’s friends, associates and those who just wanted to jump on the bandwagon, the “Stone Cold Truth,” the name of Roger’s former InfoWars show, is that his prison sentence issued Thursday of 40 months in the slammer was just.
Those who spew nonsense that Stone was unfairly convicted do not know what occurred at the trial, which took place for two weeks last November. Notwithstanding any jury bias, the hard and irrefutable fact is that Stone’s “Keystone Cops” lawyers did not put one witness before the jury in his defense. Nor did Stone, who is never shy with words, testify himself. And, of the evidence that was referenced at trial, about 99% were exhibits the prosecution had entered into evidence.
The bottom line is this: There was no real defense to the seven felony counts of perjury, witness tampering and obstruction of justice for which Stone was indicted and then tried and fried. And, if you believe the ignorant pundits’ claim that the prosecutors distorted Roger’s own incriminating words, then you’ve been duped by these purveyors of political fiction.
But, I am not ignorant of the facts! On behalf of my brave client Dr. Jerome Corsi, who did not lie under oath, obstruct justice or tamper with witnesses, as did Stone, I was present for every moment of the trial.
What I witnessed was not just a route by the prosecution, who unlike Stone’s lawyers were extremely prepared and organized, but a lack of competence never before seen by Roger’s own counsel. Sitting there, I had to wonder where all of the money Stone raised to pay for his so-called defense went.
Two examples of this incompetence was the failure of his counsel to move for a change of venue for the trial and their failure to conduct a real voir dire of the potential jurors, nearly all of whom were predictably typical District of Columbia, pro-Obama/Clinton Democrats. And, I am not even talking about the forewoman, who has gained notoriety as anti-Trump in recent days.
Stone’s lawyers, at least as far as I could tell, had no real criminal defense experience, most particularly before the court of federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson. And, what many in the courtroom found most strange was their openly solicitous conduct toward the prosecutors, sometimes right in front of the jury – patting them on the back for all to see. It seemed as if they were enjoying their new notoriety in the “big leagues.”
Litigation and particularly a criminal trial is the legal equivalent of war, and cavorting with the enemy is obviously noticed by the trier of fact. Not a good impression.
If this were not enough – and I am just scratching the surface of Stone’s charade of a legal defense – there was Stone’s own demeanor, vacillating from looking concerned to inexplicably elated at the prospect of being convicted, so he could then claim the title of victim.
I regrettably know Roger Stone and for a time was even his lawyer, when he was caught on video by the tabloids at a toga party, which they claimed was for swingers, at the 1996 Republican convention. He was also my consultant for a few weeks during my U.S. Senate campaign in Florida in 2003-2004, before we parted ways. During the time Stone had agreed to be representing my interests exclusively it was later learned that he was, if you can believe this, also advising his admitted friend, the race-baiting vigilante and extortionist Al Shapton, who was then considering a run for the presidency.
If you do not believe me – given Stone’s faux claims of being a real conservative – watch the video deposition I took of him on Feb. 12-13, 2020, just a little more than a week ago, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This deposition was the result of Roger having been sued by Dr. Corsi and me for defamation – as Stone’s insecurities caused him to think that my brave client would testify against him should he ever be indicted. To the contrary, Dr. Corsi has never publicly said a bad word about Stone, and if he had been called to testify at his trial, Jerry would have testified truthfully. But again, Stone’s lawyers, despite having attempted to subpoena the good doctor, never called him to the stand. Ironically, if Stone has any grounds for appeal, it is ineffective assistance of counsel.
Roger Stone is not a funny character. Nor is he engaging and enigmatic as his supporters try to portray him. He instead is someone who knows no limits to his conduct, whether it is to lie under oath, threaten witnesses (and Jerry was also effectively threatened), or just offensively and uncontrollably shoot his mouth off.
Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana had it right when he tongue in cheek awarded the Beavis and Butt-Head award to Roger a few months back, quipping that in all his years as a trial lawyer, he had never before seen anyone talk himself into an indictment.
Yes, the Stone cold truth is that Roger got what he deserved. Even though there have been no Justice Department prosecutions of far greater criminals like the Clintons, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan and James Clapper, to name just a few felons who have escaped the “short arm of the law these days,” there is no defense or justification for lying under oath, threatening witnesses and obstucting justice. Although I am no fan of Judge Jackson, she was right to stress this in handing down her sentence of 40 months imprisonment.
Finally, President Trump, if he believes in law and order, will now order his Department of Justice to do its job and clean house of the rats’ nest in our nation’s capital. But he should not subvert justice by giving his former buddy Stone a pass by pardoning him.
If this column offends anyone who has swallowed the Kool-Aid, so be it. I did not conceive of and found both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch to give anyone a get-out-of-jail-free card.
Roger Stone was and is guilty as charged, and if you commit the crime be prepared to do the time. Just ask G. Gordon Liddy, who willingly committed Watergate crimes, did not apologize and did not try to weasel out of paying for it in jail. He accepted his punishment like a man. And, when he did, Gordon became an icon in conservative circles, as he had demonstrated the courage of his convictions.