Stunner! Steele defends salacious, unverified and discredited ‘dossier’

By Around the Web

(WASHINGTON EXAMINER) — British ex-spy Christopher Steele defended his dossier, though a Justice Department watchdog group found flaws in the research and in how the DOJ and the FBI used it.

Arthur Snell, managing director for Steele’s company, Orbis Business Intelligence, this week penned a letter to the editor titled “Trump-Russia Dossier Was Valid,” published in the United Kingdom’s the Sunday Times. It was in response to an article last month about a newly released analysis by British author Rupert Allason, who goes by the pen name Nigel West, who concluded, “There is also a strong possibility that all Steele’s material has been fabricated.”

“Steele and his company, Orbis Business Intelligence, firmly reject this,” Snell said. “We stand by the integrity and quality of our work.”

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